Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day 2008

I was going to blog about how rotten my Mother's Day was last year, but then I realized that the past doesn't matter. All that matters is the present and future with you. All that matters is your sweet, innocent, angelic face. It just melts my heart in a way I can't explain when I see your gorgeous brown eyes looking up at me while you're holding onto my legs wanting me to pick you up. I love it when you want to be with me and have my undivided attention. You are by far the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't imagine my life without you. You are the reason I get up every morning, the reason I can't wait to drive through rush hour traffic to walk into your room at daycare and see your eyes light up when you see me. You are the reason my life has meaning. Thank you, Autumn, for being every feeling of love and sweetness and perfection embodied in the cutest little body. Thank you for allowing me the honor of being your Mom.



Kim and Adam said...

OH that is SOOO sweet I hope you had a great Mother's Day!

The Watson's said...

Did you ever know a guy on your mission from Mesa, Az named Craig Nikolaus? He said he knows you.

Ashley and Aaron said...

That picture of Autumn is adorable...I can't believe how huge she is! Last time I saw her she was a roly poly little baby! You are a fantastic mother Lis, I'm glad you had a good mother's day.

Bethany said...

It is a small world!! Joanie is married to my cousin, and we discovered at a family shower before the wedding that she was roommates with my husband's sister. She is quite the connection! I love finding people that I have lost! You can email me at I'd love to hear what you've been up to for the past 6 years! (Can you believe it's been that long?!)

~Penny~ said...

I just read your last years blog, again. I am so happy that you took the road you did and went back home. I am glad you are in a household where you are completely loved and supported.

Happy belated mothers day!

Jobi Niu said...

Awwww that like brought a tear to my eye... I LOVE you Lis. You're such a good Mom! That is the cutest picture of Autumn!