Sunday, September 7, 2008

What should I do? I need some advice!!!


A few days ago, I got a call from one of the owners of the company that I used to work for in Utah. He called and basically asked if I would be interested in moving back to Utah and coming back to work for them!!! I told him I would think about it and get back to him. So, that's what has been occupying the majority of my thoughts these past few days. I have sat down and crunched the numbers based on how much they would pay me and what my cost of living would be. I was upfront and honest with him that I would need to make enough money to support Autumn and I, and also pay for her to be in daycare while I was at work. So, now I just don't know what to do. There are so many pros and cons to both sides.


* Autumn loves her Papa and Mimi and this she would get to see them everyday
* Autumn could stay at the great day care place I have her in now
* Being around immediate family Being able to save up from money by living at home
* When Autumn is sick and can't go to daycare, I can have my Mom watch her so I don't have to miss work
* Living w/ a pediatrician

* I have no social life here in Texas, and hardly any friends
* My current job doesn't pay near as much as the Utah job would pay


* Being close to Bubzy, Justy, and Jewlsey (Autumn's 1/2 siblings)
* Being close to extended family
* Being close to lots and lots of good friends
* I loved my job in Utah, and I would love to work there again

* Being too close to Jason and having that temptation to get back together b/c I'm lonely
* It's so dang cold and snowy in the winter
* Having to pack up all my stuff and move it all back up to Utah
* Making just barely enough $ to survive, no extra $ to put in savings

I'm sure there are more things, but that's all I could think of at this time. I'm going to fast and pray about it tomorrow to see what the best decision is for Autumn and I.

If you were in my shoes, what would YOU do?


Just a Italian Girl said...

I am biased and would love to see your face in Utah! But however thats not how things work. The only suggestion I have ... Pray about it, and go with your gut. But I am super excited it may be and option.

The Aulava Family said...

Utah sounds like the fun option. If we could live closer to our immediate families, we would, because our son loves to see them as often as he can.

Sorry I can't do better than that!


Michael said...

I know that Tara can't talk to you right now, but I also know what she would say. I think that you should listen to your parents. I know without talking to them that they wouldn't want you to go back to Utah. Jason is a manipulative womanizer. He would like nothing more than to have you back close to him so he could get you back into his sick world. You yourself said in your blog that you aren't strong enough to resist him. I think it unwise and outright ridiculous to put yourself back into that situation.

I'm sorry that you don't have an ideal social situation here in Texas, but I know with a personality like yours that you will make new friends. We have been counseled by numerous leaders not to put ourselves in situations that lead to temptation. Don't tempt yourself because you have already proven he can be too much for your to overcome.

Tara and I love you and we love Autumn. You are here now because it is where you belong. You need the support of your immediate family and Autumn needs them too. Money isn't everything, trust me. I am going through the hardest period in my life, but it scares me to death to think of you going back to Utah. Jason is a bad person. He will use Autumn to hurt you. Please listen to those of us who care so deeply for you.

Charlotta-love said...

I would pray. Pray. Pray. I am not in your shoes but I would have a tough time going back to Utah. It was a phase of life that I finished. Now, family is much more important to me to stay in Georgia despite most of my friends still living in Utah. So for me, I would stay near family. Girl, don't listen to me though, listen to your heart.

kcwatson said...

I really LOVE Texas and so I would say stay in Texas....but you have a lot more on the plate to consider. I don't know if you wanna live close to Jason though do you???

Jobi Niu said...

Lisa!! WHAT?!?! I would LOVE for youto come back to Utah!!! BUT... I would definitley pray about it, go to the temple, fast, etc. I'm sure you're doin that already. What a hard decision. What does your parents suggest? I love ya girl.

davis said...

i would do whatever made me most happy. but then again i don't have a child. you will do whats best for you girl and you will figure it out! don't stress too much.

Megan said...

Foof, you'll know what to do. Get a blessing from your dad while you're making this decision and then stick to its counsel. You are a strong, valiant woman, and if there's anyone I know who can get through a trial like this, it is YOU. I'm rooting for you--let me know if there's anything Ben and I can do to help. Rada te imam!

Holly said...

That's a tough one. It's so hard to know what to do. I'm excited for you, it could be a great adventure for you. :) The Lord will help you know what is right for you and Autumn though. Good Luck!

Kim and Adam said...

WHAT!!! I wish you would come back to Utah!! Who called you??? That is freakin crazy. GOOD LUCK with your choice:)

Rachel said...

Personally, if I was single, I would stay away from bad boys I was tempted to get back with. So I would stay in Texas. Plus to have your family there. But whoever said it was right (and I'm sure you're doing it) pray, pray, pray. Then fast. Then pray, pray, pray again.
P.S. Do you have any word on Tara? I'm dying here. With no access to Michael's blog, I rely on Jeremy's ... but he's otherwise occupied. She's in my prayers every night and I just wish I had more info.

Sloane said...

I sent you an email. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

Anonymous said...

But the selfish only child in me says GO TO UTAH - ITS WAY CLOSER TO IDAHO, THEN WE COULD BE FRIENDS!!!!!
I know everyone has said pray and thats great and all - but when it comes down to it, can you resist geting back together with him or not? If not - stay. If so - go.

Sloane said...

Do you have the same email address that is listed in your profile? I sent it to that one.