I don't know if it's just me, but have any of had to buy more space for your blog pictures on Picasa? I just noticed the other day that when I was uploading pictures, at the bottom of page where you upload pics, it showed that I had used 936 MB (91%) of my 1024 MB. I wondered what that meant, so I clicked on the little question mark
to see what it was all about. Basically, I've used up all my storage so now I have to buy more. I went in to see if I could just delete some pictures, but if I delete them out of my Picasa/Google Account, then it also deletes them off my blog!!! YIKES!!! So, I guess I'll just have to buy more room so I can keep my old pictures and keep adding more. Especially since if you use Blogger, Picasa is the only photo storing website they use, so you kind of have to use Picasa. But, I'm just worried about that b/c I had planned on keeping my blog and Autumn's blog for forever, so she can look at it when she's older. I've already printed out Autumn's blog into book form through
Blurb, but I still don't want to delete stuff from off of her blog. The first 1 GB is free, and
then it's $20/year for 10GB. So will I end up paying a small fortune just to keep our past, current, and future posts???
Has anyone else dealt with this that has any advice or any ideas on what I should do?
I don't know, but I use flickr and you have to pay $25/yr for unlimited storage. I have found it to be worth the cost. I guess the only other thing to do would be to resize your pictures so they take up less space. ??
Hi Lisa!
That's a bummer! My cousin Tom and his wife bought a book through http://www.blurb.com/
that has all of the pages from their first year of blogging. That way, their kids can enjoy it as a book/scrapbook. I don't know if you would be interested in making a book and then deleting those posts, but I thought I'd pass the idea along. Also, I have no idea how much it costs, so if it's really expensive - I apologize! Just thought I'd let you know about this idea.
Take care and Happy Halloween! I love your blog! It's so much fun to stay tuned on the happenings of one of my favorite Texas families!!
Love to all of you!
Here's a better website that specifically talks about blog books. Only $12.95 for a 40 page softcover book! Not bad!!
Well, when I commented on your post, I didn't even realize they automatically link your blog pics up with picasa. When I use flickr, I copy and paste the html into my posts over here. It usually works ok, but sometimes the pictures get cut off if they are landscape, so then I use the blogger upload (picasa.) We're both learning I guess! The fee is worth it to me because I post so frequently in so many places.
I would recommend using Windows Live Writer (see my blog about it for the link to download and awesome reasons to use it). But the biggest thing is you don't have to upload your pics through anything and it saves a copy of the post on your hard drive so you have a copy forever and at a great price of FREE. So if you want more info I am happy to share.
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