Saturday, April 11, 2009

What Is Easter?

Tonight after we got home from Weatherford, we wanted to watch a good movie, so we rented Seven Pounds, b/c we had heard it was really good.  WOW.  That movie touched me to the core, b/c of the whole situation w/ Don this week.  Seeing those flashbacks Will Smith has in the movie of the car accident just made me sick to my stomach.  I just found out today that the parents of the guy in the other car that hit Don and died on the scene are in one of the Dallas wards.  The guy that hit Don was raised LDS.  After having watched Seven Pounds I spent a long time on my knees tonight during my personal prayers.

I poured my heart out to Heavenly Father to thank Him for the blessing of sending His firstborn Son to die for me.  Because of God’s love for all of us and for Christ’s willingness to sacrifice Himself in our behalf, we ALL will be given the chance to live again.  And that is what Easter is all about.  I thought a lot about Tara and how thankful I am that I was able to count her as my best and closest friend.  And that even though her life on Earth has ended, I know that I will see her again.

I thought of ???, the man in the car that hit Don and how this Easter Sunday his family will be mourning the loss of their son but that they can have hope knowing that he will live again.  I thought about Don and how Heavenly Father has more things for Don to accomplish in this life.  I thought of how fragile life really is and I realized that I need to love others so much more than I do.  I need to take the time to really appreciate everyone around me.  I need to tell my family and friends how much I truly love them and how much they mean to me. I need to be more Christ-like.  I need to make each moment I am blessed to have an important ant and cherished moment.

I got a tiny little glimpse into just how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love all of us.  I can’t even begin to comprehend how hard that must have been for the Savior to live a completely perfect life only to have to endure EVERY SINGLE sin and heartache and pain of every person that has lived, is living, and will live on the Earth.  Then after having experienced that He was crucified.  But how glorious it must have been for Him to return to his disciples and show them the nail prints in His hands and wrists and feet.

Words can’t express how eternally grateful I am for my Heavenly Father and for His Son.

1 comment:

Hanah said...

Very Beautifully said, and your words have such a power! Thanks so much for sharing!!