Friday, June 26, 2009


IMG_0554 Man, I am SO GLAD it’s Friday today!  This week at work just brutal, so I am really looking forward to relaxing.  We went over to Mom & Dad’s to start the weekend off w/ swimming.  We got on our suits and went to get in the pool when we noticed we weren’t the only ones wanting to enjoy the pool.  We saw this little frog swimming around in the pool like he owned the place!  LOL!  We got the net thing and scooped him out.

IMG_0555 Autumn is FEARLESS when it comes to swimming.  She LOVES jumping off the shamu shelf to me, she LOVES when I spin her around and sing the motorboat song, and she loves to kick her feet and move her arms like she is swimming. I need to get her in swim lessons for sure next year.

IMG_0562 She looked so cute all wrapped up in her beach towel.  I am so glad that she likes swimming, b/c it’s something that I love doing, so I’m glad we can share that together.

IMG_0563 After swimming, we had some DELICIOUS Thai chicken pasta for dinner.  I tried giving some to Autumn when we first got there, but she wouldn’t have anything to do w/ it…but when Papa got home, she of course ate tons of it.

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