Autumn was a bear to try and get up this morning since her schedule was so thrown off last night. But, I managed to wake her up and get her to daycare in one piece. I got to leave work early today, so I decided to go and get my nails done b/c they were so grown out. It was SO NICE to just sit and relax…I even stopped and got a half price cranberry slush at Sonic. SO GOOD. On my way to go pick up Autumn, Mom called and said she wanted to go eat at Cheddar’s and wanted us to come w/ her. We never turn down a chance for some good food and good company. Autumn was being a little stinker, so I gave her my chapstick to keep her entertained and quiet.
She kept pretending to put it on herself and then wanted to put some on me and then wanted to put some on Mom, too. I know Autumn was tired, but she was HORRIBLE in the restaurant and kept hitting and scratching me and throwing her french fries. I would hold her hands and quietly tell her “no” when she tried to hit me. Then I tried lightly hitting her hand when she tried it again and she started screaming bloody murder as if I had back handed her across the face or something. People kept looking over at us and I felt like the worst Mom ever. Usually at home I would just put her in time out.
Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to disciple children while out in public? HELP!
Anyways, the food was great and it was fun to spend some time w/ Mom. Autumn & I went home and took a little nap b/c we were both exhausted. Then I gave her a bath and we went over to Decker’s to watch The Bachelorette. Autumn had so much fun playing w/ Kylie. Kerri gave us a tour of her house during one of the commercials and it is SO CLEAN and SO ORGANIZED! She was so cute and even had bowls of candy for us to munch on. We were SO GLAD when Jillian FINALLY got rid of rotten Wes. I can’t even believe what he was saying in the limo after she sent him home! What a creepy jerk.
After we watched that, we came home kind of late and I put Autumn right to bed…I’m hoping she won’t be a little stinker again tomorrow morning. It’s my own fault, though, for disrupting her schedule. I finally crashed and burned around 1:30 am. I’m not used to staying up that late…I usually go to bed at 10:00. I might have to take a nap at work during my lunch break tomorrow.
Wow, why would you stay up so late?
When Shane is a pill in public, I have several techniques. One is I tell him that his behavior is not appropriate and he will get a spank if he keeps on, and if he does keep on, I will spank him. The other is if someone else is around, I will calmly tell him he is not being a big boy and take him outside. I will get down to his level, look him in the eyes and tell him to listen to my words. I will make my voice & face hard, tell him I am not happy with, and explain what he was doing wrong, him and make him look in my eyes and keep my voice disappointed and face sad and just make him feel ashamed for his bad behavior. Eventually he gets the message that he should not be such a pill & will get ashamed. I tell him that I love him and when he tells me he loves me, I will hug him and take him back inside. It might seem too adult, but it really works. Just get your voice to be disappointed, and face sad. Use the phrase, "Listen to my words," and explain what she is doing wrong. It is amazing to see their brain work when they realize they are not making mommy happy.
Ah, the discipline in public thing. How do you keep boundaries, not annoy everyone else and not come across as an indulgent or mean mother? This is the trick -- please let me know when you figure it out.
Just my 2 cents. I put my kids in time out at whatever establishment we are visiting. All places have corners and their little noses fit quite perfectly there. They hate it, but I LOVE it because I don't have to change my parenting when we go places. Hope that helps.
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