Sunday, August 23, 2009

Unexpected Change

IMG_1226 Autumn was cute this morning and had fun spinning around w/ Nick in her “new” dress from Aunt Mary. She’s such a little princess and insists on having a bow in her hair and wearing her pretty socks w/ the ruffle on them for church along w/ her church shoes.

IMG_1227 I tried taking a picture of her, but she was NOT in the mood. This is kind of how I’ve felt all day today…not myself and not sure of what to think. I did a post not too long about my Go Girl calendar page for the month of August. I went back and looked at what all of the Go Girl calendar posts for this year have been. And in doing that I remembered that my word for the year 2009 is:


I have had a lot of changes happen in my life this year. And most of them have been very welcomed. However, last night and today I had some unexpected changes happen that I wasn’t prepared for. I am exercising lots of faith and saying lots of prayers that Heavenly Father knows what He’s doing and that everything will work out for mine & Autumn’s good.

I had a lot of little blessings happen at church today. When Autumn & I walked into sacrament meeting, the pianist was playing some prelude music and the song was “Where Can I Turn For Peace.” I had been saying a silent prayer in my heart on the way to church that I would hear that song today, and it was the first thing I heard when I walked in.

Then one of the songs we sang was Hymn # 277, As I Search The Holy Scriptures. A line in there just hit me and made me start crying. It’s the line that says,

Soothe my troubled heart and spirit;
May my unseen wounds be healed.

The lesson today in Relief Society was the talk by Elder Christofferson about the Power of Covenants. It was EXCELLENT and just what I needed to hear today. Below are some of my favorite quotes:

  • In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth his hand to you, saying, “Here am I.”
  • It is the Holy Ghost that reveals how you may clear the next seemingly insurmountable hurdle. It is by the Holy Ghost in you that others may feel the pure love of Christ and receive strength to press forward.
  • [Covenants] further point out that in offering whatever sacrifice God may require of us, we obtain the witness of the Spirit that our course is right and pleasing to God (see Lectures on Faith, 69–71). With that knowledge, our faith becomes unbounded, having the assurance that God will in due time turn every affliction to our gain.


Michael said...

You'll always mean the world to me.

Jobi Niu said...

What happened Lisa?? I don't even know, but as I was reading your post.. I was all choked up. Isn't the gospel just amazing? NO MATTER how bad our trials are in life The Lord is always there for us. I love ya girl..