Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Little Lady & BIG Changes

IMG_5306 Last night, I needed to get some milk (we had been out of it for 3 days), and get some other groceries, so I went to WalMart at 10:00.  I know I say this all the time, but there is something magical to me about going there late at night.  I don’t have to fight w/ the crowds, it’s quiet, I can walk around w/out having to keep Autumn entertained and busy so she won’t try and touch everything she sees, etc.  Anyways, after getting the groceries I needed I headed over to the kids section to get some shorts for Autumn since none of hers from last year fit.  I got her 4 pairs since they were only $3.50 (thank you, Garanimals).  I noticed that they had swimsuits on sale, so I also got her a Dora swimsuit since she’ll be taking swim lessons.

We had Mom & Dad & Nate come over for dinner tonight since their house is still torn up.  We had southwest eggrolls w/ an avocado sauce.  Then we ate some of the fudge I made last night after getting home from the store while watching Biggest Loser! LOL!  I was so sad to see Sam go, b/c he was a HOTTIE!  But, I have my t-shirt signed by him & Koli to keep me from being too sad.  I bet he’s going to propose to Stephanie on the results show.  And hopefully Koli will be able to make it to the Final Four.

Well, tonight when we got home from work/school she discovered it in a bag and went and put it on along w/ some brown leggings and ruby red church shoes.  She thinks she’s quit the little fashionista.  She is growing up way too fast and acts like such a little lady when she gets her book and carefully places her baby next to her and sits in her recliner and crosses her ankles.

It was a great evening with being able to have everyone over at my house again.  It will be a little sad when Mom & Dad’s house is finished b/c then they won’t come over here as often.  I love having them all here.  It was a very welcome feeling to be surrounded by loving family after the rough day I had.

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