Friday, September 3, 2010

Falafels & Forklift Female

IMG_3084 Mom called me at 11:30 today to say that her & Nick & Dad had just finished their annual wellness check up with their doctor and were going to go to lunch at the Greek gyro place and they were going to stop and pick me up.  So, we went over there and I decided to try the falafel sandwich this time.  It was just ok, and definitely not as good as the lamb gyro.  I asked Mom to take our picture and it was kind of blurry so I tried the sharpen tool in Windows live.  I’m not sure if I like it or not…jury is still out.

We ate our food and then were walking out the door when Anton yelled out to us that we needed to pay before we left!  Mom thought Dad had paid and he thought she had paid!  LOL!  We (and everyone else in the restaurant) got a good laugh out of the situation.  Dad went up and paid and apologized to Anton.  He just laughed and said he wasn’t worried about it and that he would have just had us pay the next time we came in.  Gotta love Anton!

IMG_3085 I went back to work and it was pretty quiet today with not very many phone calls coming in.  I guess everyone was starting their Labor Day weekend a little early.  A BIG shipment came in at about 3:45 and none of the guys were around, so I had to use the forklift to unload it.  I asked the truck driver guy to take my picture.  This crate doesn’t look that big in this picture, but it weighs about 520 lbs!  Malik, the truck driver, is so nice and helpful in walking me through what to do.  I called and emailed his boss to tell him how great Malik is and how much I appreciate him being so patient and understanding with my lack of forklift experience.  Together we got 4 huge crates unloaded, which was a big feat, especially since one of the crates was broken.

IMG_5288 After work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s and Mom made some super yummy (and healthy) chicken & veggie stir fry for dinner.  After dinner, Autumn wanted Mimi to brush her hair.  She sat there with her eyes closed just thoroughly enjoying it. 

I said, “Hey, Autumn.  I think it’s my turn for Mimi to brush my hair.” 
She turned to me and without missing a beat said, “No, Mama.  You too big to sit on Mimi’s lap!”  She’s so smart and witty and cracks us up.

IMG_5291 We just vegged out on the couch and watched some Food Network and TLC.  Dad finally got home from work and Autumn asked him to make us some smoothies.  He put some watermelon in the strawberry daiquiri (virgin of course) and it tasted so good.  It was just like a watermelon jolly rancher.  After our smoothies, Autumn talked Papa into laying down on the floor so she could cover him up with blankets.  Then she moved on to covering up her babies.

IMG_5296 Finally at 10:30 we packed up our stuff to head home.  I went to find my external hard drive that I keep at Mom & Dad’s and was looking through some drawers near the computer and found this cool Scottish hat in one of the drawers.  I put it on Autumn and she was so excited and wanted to go see herself in the mirror in the bathroom.

IMG_5299 I’m not too sure if she likes it…what do you think?  Maybe the fact that she couldn’t stop smiling is a dead give away.

IMG_5297I LOVE this picture.  She was so thrilled with how cute she looked, but not in a vain way, just in a cute little 3 year old way.

We came home and I put her to bed and then opened up all the windows in the house.  It has rained the past few days and been cloudy, which was a nice break from the heat.  Then today it was only 68 degrees in the morning and it’s 68 degrees again at 11:30 tonight.  It’s SO NICE to have some cooler temperatures b/c that makes it feel more like fall.

1 comment:

The Watson's said...

If Tylee had hair like Autumn I would never leave her alone. I love it!