I honestly don’t have any pictures from Saturday (shocking, I know) b/c I had to work at another trade show. There was a lot more traffic at this one than there was at the last one, so that was really good. Plus, we had Top Gun playing in the mobile showroom so when it would slow down, I would go sit on the edge of the tub and watch that until someone walked through and then I would get up and talk to them. There were a few people dressed up in costumes that I had to make sure to avoid. There was a Benjamin Franklin costume and McGruff the dog, and when they would walk down the aisle we were on, I would go hide in the trailer. I had to explain to my bosses why I kept hiding, and they decided to be evil and invite the Ben Franklin mascot to come into the trailer while I was in there. Luckily, I was able to escape out the back door and didn’t break down into tears like I would have if I had been trapped in there. They were telling me not to be scared b/c it was just a 14 year old kid w/ braces in the suit and I said I didn’t care and it didn’t matter…I couldn’t see his face and he was in a big costume. The one good part of the day is that we were right across the aisle from a guy that did cooking demonstrations to sell some pots and pans. He would share some of the food w/ us after the cooking demonstrations, and it was really good. It was a long day and I was GLAD when it was over b/c my feet and back were killing me.
I missed Autumn SO MUCH when I was working yesterday, and I don’t know how I’ll stand being away from her for 10 days when I go to Slovenija. I am going to miss her terribly! She was really good at church today and I’m liking having church at 9:00 so we are done at noon and have the rest of the day to eat and take naps and spend time together. I called my boss when we got out of church to see if he needed me to come down to the Home & Garden show and he said no, they had enough people and to just stay home and spend time with Autumn. I was so glad I got to spend time with her.
She was trying to show Mimi her necklace and my bracelet that she was wearing. She has no sense of personal space and just gets right up in your face, but I love that about her. I’m also loving that she actually LIKES me to do her hair. She asks me to us the water bottle to get it wet so we can control her wispy hairs. I’m glad she wants me to do her hair instead of me having to fight her about trying to do it cute.
She disappeared into my room and came back out carrying some elastics, a brush, a comb, and the water bottle. She then proceeded to bring me every doll of hers and had me get their hair wet so she could brush out their hair, put in an elastic, and then she would go lay them face down on the floor. After she had lined them all up, I went over to take a picture of them b/c I thought it was so funny that she would do that and right when I went to take the picture, she laid face down right next to them as if she was one of the dolls! Mom & I just laughed and laughed about that and how clever she is.
After eating lunch and watching some football, we went over to Mom & Dad’s so Mom could make some dinner for Dad to come home to after working back up at the clinics. We had tacos and just laid on the floor and took naps and watched football…just a typical lazy Sunday afternoon.
At 6:30, I left to go to a single adult fireside. It was on the book of Revelation in the Bible and what the different symbols and symbolism in that confusing book stand for. It was actually really interesting and I enjoyed it. After words, we had a meeting for the huge single adult activity our stake is in charge of in October. I got called to be the Single Adult female rep from my ward, so I went to that meeting. I feel bad, b/c it was all about this big activity and I will be in Slovenija the weekend it’s happening, but I told them I will do as much as I can before I leave. It’s too bad, b/c I really wish I could be there for it since it’s going to be really nice and I might be able to meet my potential future husband there, but I’m thrilled about getting to be in Slovenija, b/c that’s going to be a once in a lifetime experience to be there to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the Church there. Anyways, I took Autumn Bottom home and we went to bed b/c we were both super tired.
1 comment:
I LOVE your skirt & you look totally GORGEOUS in that picture! Can't wait to come up & have fun with ya'll & of course go to the new jewelery store!!!!
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