Saturday, November 6, 2010

Kisses, Anyone?

IMG_9263 I was super productive this morning.  I got to sleep in until 8:30 & then got up and vacuumed the whole entire house.  I even changed the sheets on Autumn’s bed and started a load of laundry of her stuff.  Then I got cleaned up and took Autumn over to Mom & Dad’s.  Mom watched her for me while I went & got my nails done (they were SUPER grown out).  After that, I stopped at WalMart to pick up some pictures Mom had printed off.  I wasn’t planning on buying anything (famous last words), but when I walked past the clearance clothing rack & they had these outfits for just $3 a piece, I had to get them.  You can’t pass up a cute t-shirt AND skort for just $3!

IMG_9265 They also had these adorable skorts for just $2 each!  I got 5 of them in all sorts of different colors.  I bought them a little bigger than Autumn is now so she can wear them next summer.  All my Christmas shopping for Autumn (and Andrew) is DONE!  Love that!  I also got some bags of Halloween candy that were 75% off.

IMG_9225 I came home & Autumn wanted to go over and see the puppies at Uncle Curt’s.  We heard his dogs had puppies and Autumn would not stop talking about seeing the puppies.  When we got over there, I was surprised at how big they already were.  I thought they were just born, but he said it has been about 7 weeks already.

IMG_9231 I know the lighting in this picture stinks, but it’s the only picture I have of Autumn & I loving on the puppies together.  She didn’t want to hold them at first, but would just pet them if I was holding them.

IMG_9235 But, she soon warmed up to the puppies and wanted to hold one on her lap.  This black puppy was so sweet and just laid there and eventually fell asleep.

IMG_9237 I knew Autumn had definitely warmed up to the puppy when she gave it a sweet little kiss on the head.  SO SWEET!

IMG_9242 While we were sitting there and loving on the puppy, Ashley & Avery came home from the store.  Autumn was in a kissing mood today, but I can’t blame her b/c I always want to kiss cute things as well.  She insisted on taking off her coat even though it was chilly outside and she didn’t have a shirt on under her dress.

IMG_9244 Autumn wanted to show Uncle Curt her new teeth and was happy when she saw that he had silver teeth (fillings), too.  She said that now he had the same teeth as her and Papa!  LOL!  Curt was telling Autumn that her hair is getting so long and she just flipped it w/ her hand and said, “My hair is bew-tiful.”  Curt said, “My hair is bew-tiful, too.”  Autumn said, “No, MY hair is bew-tiful.  You not have any hair!”  We all got a kick out of that.

IMG_9247 Ashley went & got 5 of the 12 puppies in one arm-full!

IMG_9248 Isn’t this just one of the cutest pictures ever?  Ashley & I said the blonde puppies’ faces look like teddy bears.

IMG_9249 5 of the puppies found a warm spot in the dirt and all snuggled up together and just wanted to go back to sleep.

IMG_9253 I think it’s so sweet how one puppy is asleep next to Curt’s leg while the other puppy was wide awake and kept trying to eat this flower.

IMG_9254 Ashley had been at the store to buy the puppies’ first round of shots.  Curt mixed up the solution and then gave all the puppies their shots.  Autumn was super concerned and kept saying, “I not want a shot.”  I was surprised that only one of the puppies whimpered a little during the shots.  I asked Curt what in the world was all over his hands and he said it was PVC pipe glue from moving the hot tub equipment.

IMG_9257After all the shots were done, Autumn had a ball running around the yard and having the puppies follow after her.  We are so lucky that we got to love on sweet little puppies for so long this afternoon.

IMG_9260 Dad got home from work and Mom didn’t want to cook b/c she cooked every night this week.  So, she talked him into taking us to lunch/dinner at Cheddar’s.  We love that place b/c they have good food and good prices and big portions.  Awww…so sweet!

IMG_9261 Autumn was being a little stinker b/c she was tired, but once the food got there and she got some food in her tummy she perked up a little bit.  I’m not sure if I should be kissing those lips of hers after she kissed the puppies, but I’ll take my chances.

IMG_9262 I saw this lady’s purse on our way out and had to take a picture b/c it looks like a bunch of shredded medieval flags!  I’m all about adding a little color to a wardrobe, but this is too over the top for me.

After we ate, we came home and just relaxed the rest of the day.  Nick had rented a few movies from Redbox & we watched Yes Man (I made sure to skip over the naughty part b/c otherwise that would have been WAY awkward to see w/ Mom & Dad).  Why do they have to ruin cute movies w/ bad parts that aren’t necessary?  Autumn & I finally went home to go to bed b/c we have church tomorrow.  I was going to stay up and watch a movie, but was too tired so I didn’t.  I’m so glad we get to turn the clocks back an hour and get an extra hour of sleep!


Rachel said...

EVERY time I see Autumn, I just can't believe how grown up she is looking. Is it possible she is just a year older than Jane? She is so beautiful, Lisa. And those photos with the puppies! She is a sweet girl.

~Penny~ said...

If I lived in Texas, I would take one of the puppies. THey are adorable!

Emily Busath Murdock said...

Hey that's my purse! haha just kidding!

How are you, my friend? Thought I'd check in and see what you're up to. Love the puppy pictures! Aw, so sweet!!! :)