Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Baby Girl Is Growing Up

IMG_0775 Today is a monumental day b/c my little Autumn Bottom graduated from nursery and is now a Sunbeam at church!  It was such a proud but sad day at the same time.  I am so excited for her to be in Primary and get to learn new songs and have fun experiences in there.  But at the same time it means she’s growing up way too fast.  I took her into the Primary room and her teachers are a cute newlywed married couple.  Bro. Stiles was there but Sis. Stiles wasn’t yet, and Autumn wanted nothing to do with it and wouldn’t sit in her row.  I had to sit there w/ her, but as soon as Sis. Stiles walked in the room, Autumn went right over to her and sat on her lap and didn’t care that I left.  When I picked her up, Sis. Stiles said she did great and had a wonderful time.

I also got to teach my new class for the first time today.  They are a great group and kids and I can tell we’re going to have a lot of fun.  It did make me a little sad to see my old class, though.  I miss them already.

IMG_0770 We came home and I wanted to get some pictures of Autumn b/c she looked ADORABLE in her sailor dress and her hair looked really cute, too.

IMG_0772 However, she had different ideas and didn’t want me to take a picture.  She was being whiny and saying, “No, Mama!  Don’t take my picture.”  See…life isn’t always happy and wonderful and perfect around here.

IMG_0777 We went over to Mom & Dad’s and Autumn wanted to use her markers that she stole from the Annual Pool Dip.


IMG_0782She’s quite the artist and did this piece of art all by herself.  Dad liked it so much that he put a date on the bottom of it and hung it up on his bathroom mirror.  Maybe she’ll be a famous artist someday and Dad can say he owns her very first piece.

IMG_0785When Dad got home from work, she had him lay down on the ground so she could cover him up with every blanket she could find.  Then she was telling him to stay there and she would bring him treats and feed them to him.  Sometimes she can be such a bossy butt.  Hmm…I wonder where she gets that from?

We spent the rest of the evening just watching football and relaxing.  Then I had to get Autumn home so she could go to bed since it’s the start of a new week tomorrow.

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