Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby Avery

Not much happened on Tuesday.  Work was good and then I went and picked up Autumn & we went to Mom & Dad’s.  We tried a new recipe that I saw on Kevin & Amanda’s blog, but it’s originally on the Pioneer Woman blog.  It was good, but we made some changes to the recipe for when we make it next time, such as making a rue so the sauce will be thicker.  I downloaded some Primary songs for free off the website so I can put them on a CD to listen to in the car.  That way Autumn can learn the songs for the program this year.  After that, we watched The Biggest Loser and then I had to get Autumn home and into bed.

IMG_3783 It’s been nice to be busy at work.  We’ve had a lot of orders come in and it’s been nice to have things to do.  After I picked up Autumn, we went to Mom & Dad’s and I love that the magnolias are blooming on the tree in their front yard.

IMG_3784 Autumn came home from “college” w/ this mask and loved wearing even though she has no idea what Mardi Gras is.  I think she looks cute.

IMG_3786After eating (we had Wanton Salad and I LOVE that stuff), she wanted to go outside and play on the fort.  We heard a loud noise like a saw coming from across the street.  So, we walked over to see what was going on.  Curt was out there working on making some stairs.  It was good to see him b/c we haven’t seen him in months.  Autumn gave him a big old hug and kiss.

Ashley came out of the house to tell Curt she was leaving w/ Jordan to go to the temple.  I offered to take Baby Avery so Curt could finish working.  Autumn & I took him home and even though he was a little fussy, it was fun to feed him a bottle and rock him.  While loving on him, we watched American Idol and Survivor.  I am SO GLAD that Russell got kicked off b/c he lost the battle on Redemption Island.  Mary stopped by around 8:45 to pick up Avery, so Autumn & I came home.

IMG_3788 We had to come in the back way of our alley, b/c this is what the front part of the alley looks like.  They tore up the concrete this morning, and it’s a good thing we don’t sleep in b/c it was LOUD at 8:00 am.  Autumn took a bath when we got home and then headed off to bed.  I pampered myself w/ updating my toenail polish, using a nose strip, and lotioning my legs while watching TV.

I keep wishing I could get married and have more babies and watching Baby Avery tonight helped remind me to enjoy each phase of life I’m in.  I forgot how heavy the car seats are, you have to pack around so much stuff like diapers and formula and burp rags, etc.  Don’t get me wrong, I still want more kids really bad, but it’s nice that Autumn has grown up and is past that stage.  I’m so blessed.

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