Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Trees & Traps

P1020031 Today after work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s for dinner.  We had meatloaf and baked potatoes and a guest joined us for dinner.  Dad hired Gilberto, a guy that usually works for Bro. Mannewitz, to help him w/ some heavy duty yard work.  He didn’t talk much but was really nice.  After we ate, Dad took him home while we cleaned up the kitchen.  We were watching Tangled when Dad came in and said to come out in the backyard b/c he had something he wanted to show us.  We went out there and he had removed all 15 of the tree stumps that used to be along the garden fence.  I’m telling you, the man is a machine!  It was chilly tonight, so that’s why Autumn is wrapped up in a blanket.

P1020034Autumn wanted to set the trap again so we could catch another squirrel or critter so we can take it to the lake.  We went in the house and put some peanut butter on a plate and Papa set the trap and put it in the garden.  We came home around 8:30 b/c Autumn was acting really tired and whiny.  I put her to bed and watched some TV to relax.

I wanted to make sure and say a huge congratulations to Lexie & Jon who found out today they are going to be having another little boy!  Andrew is a little confused b/c they’ve been calling the baby Lizzy since Lexie thought it might be a girl.  Dad was joking around and said they’ll have to change the baby’s name to Lizzard.  They haven’t picked a name yet and I’ll be excited to find out what they decide.

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