Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pain & A Party

P1020035 Today at work we received a huge shipment with 6 orders on it that had to be sorted out. My boss asked me to help him move some of the big walls. They aren’t heavy, but they’re so big that it takes two people to move them without breaking them. So, I went out and helped him with the walls. On the very last one, I was setting down a box and somehow got my finger underneath it right as I let the corner drop and there was instantly a shooting pain in my middle finger. I looked and my fake nail had cracked in half and was bleeding through the crack. It hurt super bad and I had to get a band aid to wrap around the nail to keep it from breaking off. It sucks b/c every time I type w/ that finger it puts pressure on it and hurts.

P1020040 After work Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s house. We had the yummiest dinner of this super good Mediterranean Chopped Salad that Emily brought to Autumn & Brooke’s birthday party back in January along w/ rib eye steaks. After that, we were watching Wipe Out when Liz & Liberty came over to show us a picture of their first sonogram. It looks like a little skinny bean b/c Liz is only 8 weeks along, but we are so excited for them. They stayed and talked for a while and then said they needed to go home to their puppies.

Liz is always saying that my blog looks like we have a party non-stop and are always doing fun things. I told her that’s not true, b/c 90% of the time we just sit around and veg or watch TV and do nothing special. She doesn’t believe me and said that she bets as soon as they leave we’re going to have a party. Well, they left and Dad and I both had the same idea to pretend like we were having a party so Liz would see it on my blog later. So, Dad went out to the shed and got these fun racing flags and strung them all over the living room. I went and got some balloons and Dad got some fun hats.

P1020042Dad & Autumn pretended like they were dancing and having a big huge party. We took a picture on Dad’s phone and texted it to Liz to show her if they had just stayed for a few more minutes they wouldn’t have missed the party.

After we got some pictures, we put everything away and watched Wipeout. Then Autumn & I came home so Autumn could take a bath and not be a stink bug Johnson. I got her bathed and put her in bed then watched the last 1/2 of Young Victoria b/c it was on TV. I made sure to make a nail appointment between the General Conference sessions on Saturday so I won’t be in pain for too long.

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