Friday, April 1, 2011

Birds, Cookies & Homework

P1020046 This bird was getting on my nerves so bad today.  It must be mating season, b/c he kept puffing out his chest and making this annoying screeching sound to try and impress this female bird.  He would follow her around and make that noise over and over.  He must not have impressed her, b/c she would fly away and he would go back to the top of this tree right outside my door and try again to impress her.  I would go out there and chase him away when I couldn’t stand it anymore only for him to come back a few minutes later.  I finally gave up and just turned up the radio station I was listening to on my computer while I worked.

P1020049On the way home, Mom called and said she didn’t want to cook tonight and asked what I wanted for dinner.  I suggested a few places and we decided on Napoli’s.  She called in the order and since it was going to be 20 minutes before it was ready, I stopped at Kroger’s to get some generic brand mint & chocolate cookies.  Then I stopped and got Autumn at daycare and we went and picked up our food.  We went to Mom & Dad’s and Nick was there so we all just shared our food and still didn’t eat all of it.  It’s so out-of-this-world good.  The sauce is incredible and just hit the spot.  After dinner, I had Mom help me w/ a blind taste test to see if I could tell the difference between the generic and Oreo brand.  I thought I for sure would be able to tell, but I got it wrong.  I prefer the generic brand, which is good since it’s almost a dollar cheaper.

P1020050The rest of the evening we had some TV on in the background but didn’t really watch any one show in particular.  I sat at the kitchen table w/ Autumn and helped her w/ what she calls her “homework.”  Mom got this book thing that you use dry eraser markers on that has lower case letters, upper case letters, numbers, shapes, etc.  I tried helping Autumn write the lower case letters and she was doing great for a little while but then when I would try to show her how to write a letter she would get mad and say she could do it herself.  So I left and let her be independent.  She was quiet for a while and then came over to show Mom & I what she had done.  She had traced all of the upper and lower case letters perfectly.  She didn’t write any on her own, but that’s OK.  I am so proud of her and we’re going to try and work on this every night so she can learn her letters really well.

We didn’t go to bed until 10:30 and I didn’t want to drive home so we just spent the night in Nate’s room.

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