Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Indulgences

Wednesday we didn’t really do anything special. Just work, dinner at Mom & Dad’s and we watched Modern Family (funny as usual) and then came home and that was about it. One good thing is that I was able to get on the internet while at work and figure out a way to get rid of the virus on my laptop! WOO HOO! I’m back in business. The great thing is that I’ve been good about backing up my pictures every month on an external hard drive, so just in case my laptop crashes, I won’t lose all of my pictures. That’s really the only thing I use my laptop for is to store my pictures and to blog.

IMG_3760 Today after work, Mom went and got Autumn for me so I could go get my nails done. They were pretty grown out and needed to be done. After I got my nails done, I had to stop at the kid's consignment store next door just to see if they had any deals. Of course they did, and I got 4 pairs of shoes and 4 dresses for $30! Can’t beat that. Mom called to see where I was and said she and Autumn were at McDonald’s and to just come there. I showed Autumn just one of the dresses I got her and she wanted to put it on right away.

IMG_1579 We came home and she put on these fun shoes I got here. They were only $1.50 and then after looking at them closer they were so cheap b/c on one shoe the straps are brown and on the other shoe the straps are green. But who cares for $1.50? Plus, who is going to look that close?

IMG_1581 This dress is too big on Autumn now, but at the rate she’s growing, it will fit perfectly by the 4th of July. I couldn’t pass it up for only $5.50. I don’t think I could even buy the fabric and ribbon for that much, not to mention my time to sew it (if I knew how, which I don’t).

IMG_1584 These beauties were BRAND NEW and still had the tags on them and were only $4.50! If I bought them new at the store they would be at least $10. I LOVE finding good deals. YAY for children’s consignment stores.

IMG_1587 I got a special delivery on my doorstep today. It was my blog book that I ordered last week. It’s already been printed and delivered. Talk about amazingly fast service. I had so many blog posts in 2009 and the limit for a book on is 400 pages, so I had to split it up into 2 books.

IMG_1589 The best part is that I won a $250 gift certificate from Lee Lou Blogs for, so I didn’t have to pay for these 2 books at all. I always order 2 of each so that I can have one and give 1 to Autumn when she grows up and moves away. It was such a blessing to win that giveaway.

IMG_1590 Autumn wanted to watch Thumbelina, so we put that on but then she changed her mind and decided she wanted to dance. So, we put on some music and danced around the living room. I thought it would be fun to get out the microphones from the karaoke machine and sing along to the music we were dancing to. I didn’t notice until I downloaded this picture on my computer that Autumn had the microphone up to her ear instead of her mouth! LOL!

IMG_3762 It was a great evening and was a lot of fun to dance w/ Autumn. I finally put her to bed and then went to WalMart to get some groceries and a few things we needed. I ran into Evan again, and it was fun to see him. I had to stop and get some gas and had more than 1/4 of a tank left and it cost me $50.30 ($3.38/gallon) just for gas. It’s so insanely ridiculous! But, at least the night didn’t end on a bad note. I came home and Nick helped me put away the groceries and then we indulged ourselves w/ watching 2 hilarious episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway?

1 comment:


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Autumn's 4th of July dress. How fun!