Sunday, April 3, 2011

Conference Sunday

P1020095 So much for going to bed at 11:30 last night.  B/c Autumn fell asleep at 7:30 last night I thought she would sleep through the whole night.  Nope!  She woke after a few hours and then didn’t go back to sleep until 1:30 am!  I tried getting her to lay down w/ me at 11:30 but that didn’t work.  It was quiet for about 3 minutes and I thought she was starting to drift off to sleep when all of a sudden she said, “Ok great.  Now I’m the bad guy.”  It caught me completely off guard and I asked her if she knew who says that and w/out skipping a beat she said, “Rapunzel’s Mom.”  It never ceases to amaze me what a sponge she is and the things she picks up on w/ out me knowing.  Like the other day we pulled in the driveway and she said, “Nice blinker” b/c I say that all the time when we’re driving and people don’t signal when they are changing lanes or turning.

Anyways, after she said the line from Tangled she asked if she could watch it.  I didn’t want to watch the whole movie so I got my laptop and we watched clips of some of the songs on youtube.  I tried to get her to lay down again and she said she was hungry for crackers.  So, I went and got her a sleeve of Ritz crackers (you can see them in her left hand if you look close).  She ate 1/2 of the sleeve of crackers and then finally at 1:30 I got her to lay down and go to sleep.

P1020097 We slept in until 8:30 and had got to have beet greens for breakfast.  Weird, I know, but Dad had gone out to the garden and cut them and they needed to be used or else they would go bad.  They were super good and Autumn even ate an entire plate of them.  She has such strange and expensive taste for a 4 year old.

We watched General Conference and I can’t even begin to say how incredible it was.  There were so many phenomenal talks that I want to write about, but the text for the talks on won’t be available until Thursday.  I’ll have to post some of my favorite quotes then.  For lunch we had Mediterranean salad & creamy chicken for lunch.  After lunch we watched Tangled b/c Nick & Ren hadn’t seen it yet.  Autumn came over to me and said she wanted me to lay down w/ her.  But, I told her we were going to watch conference again so she laid down w/ me on the love seat and fell asleep.  That NEVER happens anymore, so I was in 7th heaven.

P1020098 Usually Monzingo’s come over and watch Sunday conference w/ us, but Maggie is out of town and Robert was working so it was just Nick & Ren.  They’re such a good couple and I’m glad they were there.

P1020101The 2nd session of conference today might have been even better than the first session, if that’s even possible.  After conference, Autumn woke up and wanted to go outside and burn off some energy.  She would run over and scare away the birds eating at the bird feeder.  We spent the rest of the evening just hanging out and watching TV.  She was tired and started having a melt down when I told her it was time to go home at 8:15.  We came home and she went right to sleep.  I stayed up and watched Army Wives and have my spiritual battery charged and am ready to face the coming week.

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