Monday, April 4, 2011

You Got Owies, Mimi?

P1020109 Not a lot happened today, which is kind of nice since it’s going to be a super busy and memory-making-filled weekend.  After work/school, Autumn & I went to Mom & Dad’s and had steak & everything for dinner.  Then we watched Secret Millionaire b/c we didn’t watch it last night.  Mom told Dad that she needed to get a shot in her butt b/c it was hurting so bad that she could hardly sit.  Autumn heard the word shot and her head snapped up from playing w/ her dolls.  She was super intrigued and wanted to know what was going to happen and why Mimi was going to get a shot.  She kept saying, “You got owies, Mimi?”

After all the excitement of the shot, it was time to go home and I told Autumn make sure she gave Papa an extra big and long hug b/c he is leaving for a few days to watch the Masters w/ Mike in Georgia.  We came home and I put Autumn to bed, made brownies, and watched part of Camelot on Starz b/c I get a few months for free.  I was SHOCKED b/c it was pornographic, so I changed channels really fast and watched something else.  Autumn & I are so excited b/c Rufio is coming tomorrow!

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