Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

IMG_2354 Autumn & I got up this morning and got ready.  She was so excited to wear her new Easter dress and shoes.  We had to run over to Mom & Dad’s really fast so I could get the charger for my laptop (I left it there last night on accident) b/c I was going to show a video on my laptop in my class.  I asked Mom to take some pictures of us in our dresses and this was the best one we could get, even though it’s awful.  I’m not wearing shoes, Autumn looks blah, etc.  But, we don’t have a lot of pictures of us together so at least it’s something, right?

Church today was good and Autumn laid down on the bench and put her head on my lap and slept through all of sacrament meeting, so I was able to really listen and enjoy the talks.  When it was time to go to class, she was still sleepy so she just came with me to my class and sat on my lap.  I brought 12 eggs that all had something to do w/ the Easter story and a scripture to go along w/ the item in the egg.  Of course the last egg is empty to represent the empty tomb.  Then we watched The Lamb of God video but weren’t able to finish it.  Autumn wanted to go to her own class for the last hour, which was good for her to do.

IMG_2356 After church, we rushed home and changed clothes and then went over to Mom & Dad’s.  We had funeral potatoes and spiral cut ham for lunch.  It was super scrumptious.  After we ate and cleaned everything up, we just hung out and talked while the kids played.  They went in Mom & Dad’s room to watch a movie and I caught them being cute.  Lexie, Jon & Andrew left not too long after this to head back home.

IMG_2359After Lexie & Jon & Andrew left, Autumn came and sat by me on the couch and next thing I know, she was out like a light.  I am glad she’s been able to sleep a lot today so she can hopefully get back to feeling 100%.  I did NOT position her like this for this picture.  She started out just laying flat on the couch and ended up like this.  Dad came home from work and we ended up watching Axe Men for like 3 hours.  Those Cajun people are a whole different type of breed of human.  I’m glad they had captions at the bottom b/c I couldn’t understand 1/2 of what they said.  Mom finally said she had enough of that show and we watched America’s Next Great Restaurant.

Autumn & I finally packed up and came home so we could get ready for the week ahead.  It was an EGG-celent Easter weekend and I’m grateful beyond measure to live so close to family so we can get together and do such fun things.  I hope everyone had a good Easter weekend and were able to take time to remember what the Savior did for all of us.

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