Monday, June 20, 2011

Let The Swim Lessons Begin

IMG_2643 Today after work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Dad & Andrew were outside working in the yard and Autumn wanted to join them.  I went in the house to help Mom make dinner, but she didn’t really need my help after all b/c we had left over roast/carrots/potatoes & she had already steamed the yellow squash and was frying the eggplant.  Dad stuck his head in the door and said to come out w/ my camera.  He said that Autumn had disappeared and then started crying for him to come help her.  He thought she had hurt herself by the intensity of her crying, but all she wanted was help to get in the backyard gate so she could get a broom and dustpan to help clean up the grass!  Dad got such a kick out of that.

IMG_2644 We ate dinner which was so tasty and then had homemade banana cream pie for dessert.  It was heavenly.  We told the kids they had to hurry and put on their swimsuits so we could go to their first swim lesson this year w/ Ms. Cis.  We were so worried that Andrew was going to freak out and cry like he’s been doing anytime we talk about getting in the pool to swim.  But, he jumped right in and did great and didn’t cry a drop!  Lexie was so relieved.

IMG_2645 It is so stinkin’ hot and humid, but I have to wrap a towel around my legs and arms or else I will get eaten alive by mosquitoes.  I even drenched my legs in bug spray, but was not going to take any chances.  I had sweat dripping down the back of my neck but that’s better than getting mosquito bites.

IMG_2646 The kids did awesome and were a little sad that they didn’t get to do the monkey walk or water circus like last year.  Ms. Cis assured them they would do it in a later class but they had run out of time tonight.  We like having a later class (7:15 pm) instead of 5:45 pm like last year b/c we can come home, eat, and not feel rushed.  The kids were so excited to show Papa what they had done in swim lessons so we all jumped in the pool and they swam like little fish.

IMG_2648Before Autumn & I went home we had to try the “whip cream on the finger” treat for dessert.  The kids thought that was so fun that they got to have messy fingers.  Autumn & I came home and I put her to bed and edited some pictures and then called it a night.  There was a cool lightning storm going on all night.  I love it.

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