Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wavy Hair

P1020720 One of the guys at work told me they came out w/ a new flavor of Gatorade and that I should try it.  It’s lime cucumber and I did not like it at all.  It smells exactly like a cucumber and it’s just weird to be drinking it.  Won’t be buying that ever again.  However, I am loving these freeze dried bags of fruit.  I put one in Autumn’s lunch every day and brought one to work for my snack today.

P1020725 After work/school, we went over to Mom & Dad’s and Dad made fried potatoes for dinner and I made a salad.  It was a simple supper, yet oh so good.  After eating, Autumn wanted to go outside and swim.  But, I wanted to finish reading a book someone recommended called Matched.  It’s like the Hunger Games, but more romance and no violence.  It was an excellent book.  Anyways, I took my laptop outside and sat at the patio table while Autumn rode around on her scooter.  This was the best picture I could get of her wavy hair.

P1020726 I finally caved in and let her go swimming.  But I didn’t want to get my hair wet or swim so I just stuck my feet in the shallow end and kept a close eye on her.  Before she got in, she noticed there was a little frog floating in the water.  When I told her it had died and not to touch it, she gave me this super sad face.

P1020733She had a great time swimming and when Papa got back from the clinic, she went outside to help him put up some new “party lights” along the back fence b/c the other’s that we have had up there for 10 years finally went out.  They didn’t stay out there long, though, b/c Autumn started getting bitten by mosquitoes and was getting big welts.  Poor kid…she inherited my sweet blood that attracts mosquitoes and then my sensitive skin that reacts badly to the bites.

We came home and I put her to bed and then watched some TV while editing pictures and blogging.  Some day I will be able to afford internet at home, so I can post right after I blog about something instead of having to wait and upload my posts when I’m at Mom & Dad’s house.  But I’m truly grateful for Windows Live Writer so I can at least get my blog posts ready and then just upload them when the internet is available.  Technology is incredible!

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