Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Spoiled Rotten, But Not With Doughnuts This Time

P1030124 Dad surprised Autumn this morning w/ a treat in bed even though it wasn’t Friday.  But, it wasn’t doughnuts this…it was watermelon.  Today the lesson in seminary was about Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden and he did some object lesson about sharing something good w/ others, hence the watermelon.  A lot of religions think that Eve sinned, but God gave her and Adam 2 commandments.  The first was to multiply and replenish the Earth (Genesis 1:28).  The second was to not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17).

A lot of people blame Eve for “original sin” b/c she ate of the forbidden fruit.  But, she was deceived by Satan and knew that if she didn’t partake of the fruit then she and Adam could not have kept the first commandment to have children.  She and Adam would have stayed in the Garden and would still be there and could not have had children.  So, none of us would even exist.  They were in a childlike/innocent state and didn’t even know they were naked.  But, after they partook of the fruit “the eyes of the[ir understanding] were opened (Genesis 3:7).

So, how could Eve sin if she was keeping a commandment God gave her?  She didn’t sin, she transgressed…and there is a difference between the two.  Here is a good explanation of it from THIS website:

The words ‘sin’ and ‘transgression’ are used synonymously on many occasions, yet there is also a difference in their meanings. We know that to sin is to break a law of God, but to transgress may mean to go beyond a limit. In fact, the word transgress comes from the Latin transgrediortrans meaning beyond, and gredior, meaning to pass.

To sin is to break the moral code; to transgress could be to violate a law without sinful intent. As an example, a person intentionally breaking the speed limit while driving a car on the freeway could be classed as committing a sin against the laws of the State, while a policeman exceeding the speed limit while chasing a criminal would have transgressed the speed limit law, but having done so in the performance of duty for a noble purpose, would not be punished for breaking the law against speeding.

The scriptures tell us concerning Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit,

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Tim 2:14).

P1030126 Anyways, just some things to think about.  After being hand-fed watermelon in bed, Autumn wanted to rough house w/ Papa.  She jumped off the bed and ran around to the side and his goal (as she told him) was to not let her get back on the bed.  But, she did and was laughing hysterically the whole time.  I am so glad that they have such a close and special bond.

Not a whole lot happened after that…just the usual of going to work/school and then we went to Mom & Dad’s house after.  We ate dinner and watched some of America’s Got Talent.  My vote is definitely for Team iLuminate.  They are a show that I would actually pay to go see.  I also like Silhouettes a lot, too.  Autumn and I came home and I put her to bed and relaxed while watching some TV and then called it a night myself.  Even though we have the same routine every night, it’s a good thing.  I know having order and routine helps kids feel safe and secure.  So even though it might seem boring and doesn’t make for very fun stories to blog about, it’s a major part of our day where Autumn & I get to bond and connect before she goes to sleep.  I’m thankful for what can appear to be a mundane and boring routine, b/c it’s often the highlight of my day.

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