Friday, February 17, 2012

Clean Kitchen Counters

P1040640 Today was pretty low key w/ nothing special going on.  After work, I went & got Autumn from college and we went to Mom & Dad’s and had bratwurst from a German restaurant that Mom & Dad went to.  They said the food at the restaurant was incredible and took them back to when we lived in Germany.  Dad got called in to the clinic, so Mom & Autumn & I watched some recorded shows like Project Runway and then Survivor.  I feel bad for the girl that had to leave the game when she broke her wrist by not jumping into the net the right way.

Anyways, Autumn & I came home and I cleaned off the kitchen counter b/c Sis. Lee is coming over tomorrow to talk about Young Women.  It seems like that’s our “dumping ground” when we walk in the door.  It is usually covered w/ Autumn’s papers and art work, mail I’ve sorted through and need to file, things to take out to the recycling bin, etc.

P1040639 I’ve been hanging onto this artwork for quite a while b/c I just love it and think it’s so cute and creative.  It’s too big to keep, so I took a picture of it to remember.

P1040641What is it about having a clean counter that feels so good?  While I was on a cleaning kick, I considered cleaning off the kitchen table.  This is what it looks like currently.  It’s a complete mess.  But, I decided to leave it b/c this is where I work on my PLife and if I move it into the guest room I’ll never go in there.  It’s my space to be creative.  Also, notice the amaryllis plant on the corner of the table!  The leaves are getting so tall that I have to prop some of them up w/ wooden dowels.  It will be so pretty when the flowers come out.  So, it was a pretty low key Friday night.

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