Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Extreme Weather Wednesday

P1040508 This was on the news tonight, and it’s funny b/c I was just thinking of this today.  It was freezing and icy this time last year and then today it was 72!  It’s crazy how extreme the weather difference is from this day last year.

P1040510 For our YW activity tonight, we decorated sugar cookies and wrote thank you notes.  The original plan was that we were going to have a hair stylist come show us some fun hairstyles.  But, that fell through and this plan was just put together today.  Luckily I had made all those cookies that I was able to bring.  I struggle w/ knowing how much to push the Laurel’s class presidency and how much to step back.  I have always been the type of person to plan and get things done, so it honestly makes me a little nervous/worried when things aren’t planned.  But, I have to keep reminding myself not to do it for them and that they have to struggle through it.  Half of them will be out on their own in 6 months, and possibly the Relief Society president of a BYU ward.  So, even though it’s hard to watch them mess up and I want to step in and do things for them, they have to learn.

P1040509It was like when Autumn was learning to walk.  I didn’t want her to fall and get hurt, but she had to learn through trial and error.  She had to fall and eventually she learned.  So, I’ll just keep reminding  myself to be patient w/ these girls and just be there to help and support and encourage them.  Autumn was such a good girl through the whole activity.  She was a cute little bug and helped me gather up all the butter knives we used for spreading the frosting, washing them, drying them, and putting them away.  I was so proud of her and how much she’s growing up.

We came home and I gave her a shower and then braided her hair so it will be wavy in the morning.  Then we read in our Book of Mormon and I put her to bed.  I edited some pictures, blogged, watched TMZ with Nick and now it’s time for bed.  Sweet dreams to me.

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