Sunday, March 25, 2012

Genealogy Fan

I woke up this morning at 3:30 am and my throat was so dry and was hurting.  I got up and got a throat lozenge and luckily that helped enough that I could go back to sleep.  When Autumn & I finally got up, we watched Mama Mia b/c it was on TV.  I did NOT like that movie when it first came out b/c it was so weird to me that 007 (Pierce Bronson) was singing (and not very well I might add).  But, it has since grown on me and I can at least tolerate it.  Autumn was loving it and was really into it b/c she’d never seen it before.  I decided to get out and enjoy nature and pull a few weeds in the backyard b/c they were out of control.

Genealogy fanBefore I knew it, it was time to get ready for church.  I got up and bore my testimony since today was fast Sunday.  I talked about my experience w/ Autumn at the temple yesterday and how thankful I am to know that families can be together forever, and not just until death do us part.  I tried to control the tears, but got teary eyed at the end.  After church, we went to Mom & Dad’s for dinner, which is always so good.  Mom made a roast & potatoes & gravy and manly jello. 

Mom showed me this AMAZING genealogy fan.  Isn’t it cool?  I know it’s small and hard to read, but that’s me in the middle circle and then my Mom & Dad the next ring out, and their parents the next ring out, and on and on for 9 generations!  I always thought that all our genealogy had been done but as you can see, there are a lot of empty spaces.  It was fun to look at the names of my ancestors and wonder what their lives were like.  And, this was all done through the Church’s website and popped up in a matter of seconds.  You have to have an login and here is the website you can go to to create your own fan:

There is a video that you can watch or just X out of.  Then you just click on the link next to the picture of the fan that says, “Go to”.  EASY PEASY!

P1050277Autumn & I didn’t stay long b/c I had visiting teaching at 6:00.  The lady I visit teach (and her daughter) are so cute and I just love them both.  As we were getting ready to leave, she said, “WAIT!  I have something for you.”  She went and got a cute little cellophane bag that had these treats inside.  She was so apologetic that she didn’t have the note written out to go w/ it (um, hello…you are total sweetheart for evern putting something like this together) and said she would email it to me.  Here is what the note says that goes along w/ the treats:

Just POPPING (popcorn) by to wish you a meaningful conference weekend. Sit back, relax and SOAK (lotion) it all in. Hope you learn something EXTRA (gum) and take NOTE (notepad) when you feel the spirit. Enjoy!

Isn’t that the cutest?  I love it!  We left her house and rushed home b/c our home teachers came at 7:00.  We were a few minutes late b/c they were already at our house waiting.  We had a short, but good visit, and they were off to visit their next family.  The last Sunday of the month is usually so busy, which is why I try to get visiting teaching done towards the middle of the month.

Autumn & I watched Once Upon A Time, and then I put her to bed so she won’t be a grouchy girl tomorrow morning.  Then I worked on my blog and editing pictures while watching P.S. I Love You b/c it was on TV.  Such a cute show, and who doesn’t love watching Gerard Butler?  I hope this coming week goes by fast b/c I’m excited to listen to conference on Saturday and Sunday.

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