Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kindergarten Registration & Hunger Games

IMG_0100 Today I left work early to go and register my little Autumn Bottom for Kindergarten!  It is so hard for me to believe that she’ll be starting Kindergarten this fall.  These past 5 years that we have lived in Texas have gone by so fast.  I wasn’t sure if I would be emotional and cry a little bit, but I didn’t.  I was excited for her.  Since I wasn’t sure what to expect, I didn’t take her w/ me.  They had us come in the cafeteria and fill out a bunch of papers.  We had to bring all sorts of documents like proof of residency, birth certificate, etc.  It was a pretty painless process and they had it well organized.  After I got her registered, I went and got her from “college.”  Since her new school is close to her daycare, I took her over to the new school so she could see where she would be going.  We just walked around the cafeteria and when I went over to introduce her to the Kindergarten teachers, she was being super shy.  It was a good thing to get done and I’m so happy and excited for her.  We called Papa & Mimi to let them know.

P1050177 Liz & Jacob & Autumn & I had planned on doing pizza at the park tonight, but it had rained during the day and was cold and windy.  So, we just had pizza at my house instead.  This was the sunset out my back window.  Isn’t it gorgeous?

P1050180When Liberty got off of work at 7:30, he came over and had some pizza, too.  It was so great to have them over b/c it’s been a while.  I love it that Liberty has a big drool stain from Baby Jacob on his shoulder.  Liz & Liberty are such good parents and I’m so incredibly thankful that we are friends.  I love them so much, and Baby Jacob is just too stinkin’ cute!

P1050182They had to leave at 8:30 to get Baby Jacob home and into bed.  I put Autumn to bed and went and laid down w/ her for an hour so I could stay awake for the midnight showing of Hunger Games.  Nick got home at 9:30 and I went over and picked up Karri and we went to the theater.  Even though we got there around 9:45, we had to sit on the side.  At least it wasn’t in the first few rows of the theater.  It was so great to have a GNO w/ Mary, Diana, Melanie & Karri.  We also had Jessie, Cole & Bailey with us.

I have to say that I LOVED the movie.  It was just how I had pictured it in my mind while reading the book.  The acting was awesome, the sets and make up and costumes were great.  My only critique was the actual filming.  There were so many times when it felt like a 2 year old was holding the camera b/c it was so shaky and moving around.  I guess they were trying to be artistic but it was making me sick and I had to close my eyes or look away a few times.  Karri hadn’t read the books and didn’t know what it was about other than what she saw on the previews on TV.  She was shocked at how violent it was.  I thought they handled that part very well b/c the whole premise of the book is that they have to kill each other off.  But, it wouldn’t be good for little kids to see it.  It was a long movie (2.5 hours) and I didn’t get home until 3:00 am.  I am going to be SO tired tomorrow, but it will be completely worth it!

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