Thursday, April 12, 2012

Autumn The Artist & A Snack From Dad’s Childhood

P1050429 Autumn couldn’t wait for us to eat dinner tonight, b/c Papa told her when we were done eating that she could paint the garden bear.  This is what it looked like after Dad spray painted it the other night.

P1050433 Autumn did a really good job and was careful w/ painting his eyes & nose & shovel black.  She also did the mouth & inside of the ears pink.  That was all there really was to paint, b/c we were going to leave the hat white, but she wanted to keep going. So, Mom got her some straw colored paint for the hat.  She was having a blast.  I always wonder if I am stifling her creativity b/c I don’t do messy art/craft projects with her.  I figure she has that creative outlet at “college.”  Maybe I’ll have to get some fun little crafts for her to do b/c she’s very artistic and likes to create and paint and draw and color.

P1050434It was perfect weather outside w/ a light breeze, so Mom even came and sat out there w/ us.  Once it got dark and the bugs started coming out, we came in the house.  Dad said he was going to make himself a snack that he used to have all the time as a kid, and asked if we wanted one.  I said, “umm…no thanks,” when I saw him tear up a piece of bread and put it in a cup and pour milk over it.  Then he got a raw green onion and put some salt in a bowl and started eating.  He dipped the onion in the salt and would take a bite and then take a bite of the bread/milk concoction.  He said after a long day of working on his Grandpa’s farm in the summer, all the kids would have this for a snack and thought it was the greatest.  That is not my idea of a great snack, but it was cool to learn a little bit more about Dad.  I love hearing about his childhood stories.

Autumn & I came home and I put her to bed and then watched Friends on TV w/ Nick.  I stayed up way too late, but it was worth it.

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