Friday, August 24, 2012

Late Night Puzzling

P1070660 Last Friday & today we had a lady come in to teach all the guys in the office how to use Excel.  I decided to sit in on the class just to see what was being taught, but I know how to use Excel pretty well.  I have been pleasantly surprised at all the small tricks I’ve learned here and there.  It’s been exciting to have the learning part of my brain be active again.  Anyways, after work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s house.  They were gone b/c Dad is going to ride in the Hotter ‘N’ Hell Hundred tomorrow morning w/ Uncle Robert & Aunt Sandy.  So, Aunt Jeri & I started a new puzzle and Autumn watched a movie.

P1070658It was fun to sit and talk to Aunt Jeri while we worked on the puzzle.  Then we would have periods of comfortable silence and then we’d talk some more.  We ended up staying up until the puzzle was finished, which as you can see was until 1:41 am!!!  We’re crazy and will be super duper tired tomorrow but it was fun and I’m glad I got to spend that time w/ her.

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