Saturday, August 25, 2012

Shop ‘Til We Drop Saturday

P1070659 Since it was so late last night and Autumn had fallen asleep hours earlier, we just slept in Mom & Dad’s bed.  Plus that way Aunt Jeri wouldn’t have to worry about being alone in the house.  Autumn & I got up this morning and made french toast sticks for breakfast.  I had her help me cut the bread, stir the egg and cinnamon mixture, dip the bread in the eggs and then put it in the pan.  She felt like such a big girl b/c I’ve never let her help that much before.  I really need to let her do more so she can learn.

P1070662 After breakfast we watched some Saturday morning cartoons and then got dressed so we could run some errands.  We went to Anna’s Linens to get a new bedding set since they were on sale.  I saw the one in the left in the ad, which is what caught my eye in the first place.  It looks purple in the picture but is actually blue.  In the store we saw the one on the right and I LOVE me some black & white, so it was a HARD time picking between the two.  We finally decided to go w/ the white and blue one b/c I already have a black and white one.

P1070663 After that we went to Bath & Body Works b/c they were having a sale on wall flower plug ins & refills.  I needed some refills for Nick’s room and wanted to have a few other plug-ins around the house, especially the ones w/ the night light so Autumn can see when she gets up to go to the bathroom.  Autumn said she was hungry at this point, so we stopped at Wendy’s and shared a meal.  We pretended like we were on a fancy Mommy/Daughter date and had such a great time.

P1070667After that we stopped at the $1 Store to see if they had some football decorations for a dance we (single adults) are in charge of in September.  Our theme is “Fall Football Fun.”  We hit the jackpot and found some great stuff.  Autumn wanted to try on this dinosaur hat for fun.  It was packed in the store and we spent a lot of time there walking around looking at everything.

IMG_6679I found this and am super excited to try it for hanging all my necklaces.  I might have to go back and get 3 or 4 more if it works out great.  After the $1 Store, we went to WalMart to get groceries.  Autumn had a little melt down there b/c she had reached her limit and was just done.  So, we paid for our stuff and came home and put it all away.  Then I baked 2 cakes for an object lesson for my Young Women’s lesson tomorrow (I’ll share pics tomorrow).

We went over to Mom & Dad’s so I could use the internet and so we could spend some time w/ Aunt Jeri.  We started another puzzle and watched both of the Sherlock Holmes movies.  Mom & Dad got back from Dad’s big bike ride and he said it was a good ride.  I’m so proud of him for doing that, especially since it’s so stinkin’ hot & humid.  We’re glad they’re home safe & sound.  Autumn & I were going to spend the night again since it was already 10:30 pm but we have church at 11:00 am tomorrow and I need to get my object lesson ready.  So, we came home and went straight to bed.

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