Saturday, September 29, 2012

Downton Abbey Marathon Saturday

IMG_6898 Mary was commenting this morning when we got up that we all have curly voluminous hair except for her.  So, we shook out our hair and got a picture.  We all look sleepy b/c we had just woken up.

IMG_6903 We also had to get a picture of our beautiful pedicured toes.  I really like my rainbow colored toenails.

IMG_6907 Mary & Melanie started a tickle war and it was hilarious to see them.  We were all laughing so hard.

P1080051 It was really windy and rainy today, so we stayed in and had a Downton Abbey marathon.  I think it’s so much better to watch a bunch of episodes back to back instead of just one episode once a week on Mondays like we were doing.  It strings the storyline together so much better to watch them w/out a break in between.  Anyways, I sat and rubbed lotion on my arms and shoulders & neck area b/c I was so sun burnt from yesterday.

IMG_6909 One of the things we loved about this house is that most of it was one big room.  The beds were right behind the couches, so they had these shades you could pull to have a little privacy between the living room & sleeping area.  However, there were so many panels missing that it was a complete joke.  It was a joke with all of us the whole vacation.

IMG_6912 We took a break and ran to the convenience store down the street to get some laundry detergent to wash our beach towels so we can use them tomorrow.  We came back and had lunch and then got back to our Downton Abbey marathon.  It was so great to just stay in our jammies all day and veg out.

IMG_6916Christine went to lay down after dinner b/c she had a headache.  The other 4 of us sat and had a deep discussion at the table.  Then after a while we needed to lighten the mood, so we woke Christine up (it had been a few hours) and played a game called “The Game Of Things.”  We had to write our answers on a piece of paper and put them in a pot, and this picture of Melanie reading a few of the answers cracks me up.  Karri got tired of writing the answers on paper and reading them out of a pot (so other players couldn’t see the answers), so she came up w/ the idea that we would just text our answers to the person in charge of reading them.  There were so many times during the game that we were laughing so hard we were crying.

After the game, we decided to watch The Vow b/c a few of the ladies hadn’t seen it.  I went to watch it on the bed b/c I was cold and wanted to snuggle up w/ a blanket.  Next thing I know, I was out like a light.  I was so tired, plus it was 1:30 am!  The time has gone by so fast and I can’t believe we have to leave tomorrow.

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