Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Knitting Memories

IMG_6786 Today was another “first day of school” for Autumn.  In her school, they can move the Kindergarten kids around the first week of school and they might end up in another class.  The reason they do this is so they can make sure each child is in a class where they can succeed and excel.  Since they Kindergartners are all new and the teachers don’t know their strengths, weaknesses, limitations, etc they closely assess them the first week and make classroom changes if needed.  Anyways, Autumn is staying in her original classroom.  They said we could come today and take pictures of the classroom, w/ the teacher, etc.  And y’all know I’m not going to pass up an opportunity to take pics.  She is assigned to the #9 star, which is where she has her folders and where she hangs up her backpack.

IMG_6787 This is her teacher, Mrs. J.  Autumn was so excited to give her teacher the cookies we had made.

IMG_6788-001 After I gave Autumn a hug and kiss and went to leave I stopped to get a picture of the whole classroom.  I think this will be a fun picture for Autumn to look back on in years to come.  I remember what my classrooms looked like when I was in grade school, b/c I spent so much time there.  I want Autumn to have a picture to look back on and remember her Kindergarten classroom.

IMG_6792 After work/school we went to Mom & Dad’s house for dinner.  After dinner I worked on finishing the puzzle we had started yesterday.  Autumn disappeared into the back room and I heard her & Aunt Jeri back there talking and laughing and having a grand old time.  Aunt Jeri was trying to show Autumn how to knit.

IMG_6791I love the serious look of concentration on their faces.  I am SO THANKFUL that Aunt Jeri is here & that Autumn is getting to create neat memories w/ her great aunt.  When I was growing up, we never got to live close to family b/c of Dad being in the military.  We cherished the time we got to see family on vacations.  I think that’s why moments like these where Autumn is bonding w/ extended family mean so much to me.

IMG_6795 This is the WRETCHED puzzle I finished tonight.  Mom & Jeri had gotten a lot done and all that was left are the pieces that all look the same.  They had sorted them into shapes and I just sat and tried each piece in each spot until the puzzle was done.  It took forever, and I’m glad it’s finished.  Autumn & I came home and I put her to bed and did some laundry and started reading the 4th book in the Tiger’s Curse.  Mary said it just came out and she finished reading it and is letting me borrow it.  I was up until 12:30 am reading, b/c I couldn’t put it down even though my eyelids could barely stay open.  I love reading a good book!

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