Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Melt Downs, End Of Summer Fun, & Football

Autumn had another melt down on the way home from school.  We stopped by a few homes to drop off the cookies and thank you notes we had made.  She started crying and saying she wanted a cookie.  I explained to her the idea behind service and how these are for our friends and we need to learn to give and not be selfish.  Plus, she had already had plenty of cookies the night we made them.  That threw her into a major melt down.  She started crying and screaming and kicking the seat.  I asked her to stop and told the consequence if she didn’t was that I would take away her shoes b/c I didn’t want her kicking the seats in the car.

She kept on kicking after I gave her a warning, so I took her shoes.  That sent her into an even bigger fit.  So, I pulled over on the side of the road and talked to her.  I asked her if something was going on at school b/c this is not how my sweet Autumn Bottom usually acts.  I asked about 50 questions to try and figure out what was wrong, but she couldn’t tell me b/c she didn’t even know why she was acting like that.  I think it’s b/c she is just so worn out and tired at the end of the day.  At preschool they had time to play in centers throughout the day.  At Kindergarten it’s non stop learning & then she wears herself out running around and playing during recess.  I’m sure she also hungry by the end of the day.

Anyways, we talked it out and then when we got to Papa & Mimi’s she went into melt down mode again.  She ran into Papa’s room and talked to him about all her woes while I helped Mom make dinner.  Autumn finally came in after a while and apologized for acting yucky.  I went and snuggled w/ her on the couch for a minute and we talked some more about what we can do to make sure she doesn’t have melt downs.  We decided that after I pick her up from school we’ll have quiet time in the car so she can relax and unwind from the day.  If she wants to talk, we’ll talk.  If not, we can just drive in silence.  We’ll see how it goes.

P1070705After I scarfed down some dinner I ran to Little Caesar’s to get some pizza & crazy bread for our Young Women’s activity tonight.  We had 90 minutes of end of summer fun.  We tried to cram in all the fun things we didn’t get to do this summer.  We had a pizza picnic, played in the sand, and watched a musically synchronized water works show (you can’t see it behind them b/c it was too dark).

P1070707Then we went to 7-Eleven to finish off the night w/ a Slurpee.  Their machines must have been full of lots of air/foam tonight b/c all of ours exploded out the top of the lid even though we didn’t fill them all the way full.  We were making a major mess, but it was completely on accident.  After we dropped everyone off at the church, I came home to watch the Cowboys game.

Dad had invited Britt over and Mom had gone all out to make a super nice spread of food.  We had better than sex dip, spinach dip in hollowed out bread, a veggie tray, fruit, cheesecake, and Oreos in the shape of footballs.  Autumn snuggled up in my lap and fell asleep.  Nothing is better than snuggling w/ your baby (even though she’s 5 years old now) and watching football.  It was a great game and I’m glad the Cowboys started off the season w/ a win.  I hope they can keep winning.  I didn’t want to wake Autumn up to take her home, so we just slept in Nate’s bed.

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