Sunday, September 9, 2012

Spiritually Uplifting Sunday

P1070739 Autumn & I got up at 9:00, watched Joel Olsteen, ate breakfast, and got ready for church.  Autumn wore one of her many church dresses that are close to being too small.  This will be the last hoorah for this dress, until Lexie or I have a baby girl that can wear Autumn’s hand me downs.

P1070737 We had to do a silly face picture, too.

P1070738 We had to do a “giving sugars” picture too.  Church was really good today and for the 3rd hour all the women got to go to Relief Society together.  We had our annual visiting teaching conference and usually I dread those, but this one was SOOO GOOD!  The Spirit was so strong and several of us were tearful.  I got to hold a sweet, little, chubby cheeked, full head of jet black hair, baby boy while he slept.  I was in 7th heaven and it helped satiate my baby hunger for a while.

P1070742 After church we went over to Mom & Dad’s house for lunch.  When we walked into the backyard, we saw the biggest butterfly!  This picture doesn’t show at all how big and beautiful it was, but I’ve  never seen one this big before.  It was a fun surprise.

P1070743 I had to get a picture of Autumn in her cute little ladybug dress.  Mom had made chili for dinner, b/c Nick needed to take some to their after church munch & mingle.  She also made the most DELICIOUS cornbread.  The recipe is here and it tastes like cake b/c it’s so good!

P1070744We had to go home b/c our home teachers were coming over at 5:00.  Autumn had a major melt down on the way home b/c she was tired.  After our home teachers left, we loaded up the car, went back to Mom & Dad’s, I dropped her off, and went to the church.  The Single Adult fireside was given by the Mannewitz’s and they talked about their experiences with helping to build the Dallas, Nauvoo, & San Antonio temples.  It was INCREDIBLE to hear some of their amazing & miraculous stories.  I just love them so much and they crack me up w/ how they interact w/ each other.  One will be telling a story and the other one will interrupt to say they’re telling it wrong.  Then it will be vice versa.  They’re such a cute older couple.  I made these pumpkin bars w/ cream cheese frosting for dessert along w/ a funfetti birthday cake b/c it was Nancy’s birthday.  We also had a veggie tray for any diabetic people.  It was a great evening, and I didn’t even get out of there until 9:30.  Autumn was zonked out, so we just put her in Nate’s bed and we spent the night.

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