Monday, September 10, 2012

Tough Biker With A Barbie

P1070748 We got up early this morning so we could go home and get ready for work/school, hence Autumn’s awesome morning hairdo & sleepy eyes.  Anyways, the reason I took this picture is that I wanted to document that it was actually cold (58 degrees) this morning and Autumn wanted a blanket to stay warm.  It’s not cold enough to be considered fall weather in my book, b/c we’re supposed to have a high of 93 degrees today, but that’s still fun that it was so chilly this morning.  I love it!

P1070750 On the way home I was talking to Mom about what we were going to do for dinner and I told her I had to go b/c I had to get a picture.  This big burly motorcycle guy was stopped in front of me and had this Barbie doll attached to the back of his bike like she was holding on to him!  I thought that was SO FUNNY and laughed about it for a good 5 minutes.  I also like that I inadvertently got a picture of current gas prices in the background.  That will be fun to look back at in years from now when it’s $10.00 a gallon.

P1070751 Mom had defrosted rib eye steaks that we were going to grill, but she said we needed some sides to go w/ it.  She wanted Aunt Jeri to try the incredible creamed corn from Rudy’s, so I went through their drive thru and got that and some new potatoes.  That creamed corn is so thick and sweet and delicious!  YUM!  We also enjoyed the “good meat,” which is what Autumn calls steak.

P1070753 We were watching the news and I paused it to document the self portrait that the Curiosity rover on Mars took.  I also loved that they had a picture of Wall-E next to it b/c they do look oddly similar.  It’s amazing what technology can do, and what’s peoples minds can create and come up with.  I don’t even know how a simple battery or machine works, so I can’t even imagine how intelligent these NASA people are.

IMG_6800Autumn was being whiny and disobedient, so I packed her up and brought her home at 7:00.  On the drive home, she was quiet and I looked in the back seat and her eyes were closed, but she likes to pretend she’s asleep all the time when she’s really not.  But, I didn’t say anything and figured she’d wake up from her pretend sleep when we got home.  I pulled in the garage, got out, went in the house, put my stuff down, came back out, and she was still asleep!  She wasn’t faking after all.

I woke her up and she came in the house and went right to her bed and fell back asleep.  You know a kid is tired when they put themselves to bed an hour and a half earlier than their usual bedtime!  I got a lot done like cleaning that nasty built-up film off the inside of my windshield (which has been bugging me for months), did a few loads of laundry w/ my luscious smelling Gain lavender detergent, helped Dad while he installed sheetrock in the holes he made when trying to find the leak in Nick’s bathroom, edited pics, and blogged while watching Hoarders.  Autumn woke up, but came and laid down on the couch and went right back to sleep.  I know she’s tired from Kindergarten, but she might be going through a growth spurt, b/c that’s going to be 12 hours of sleep for her in one night!

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