Thursday, October 4, 2012

Color Week ~ Blue Day

IMG_7013 It was so fitting that today was blue day at school, b/c Autumn was feeling “blue” and was a grouchy pants this morning.  Hence the picture above…just keepin’ it real.  Not everything is always happy and wonderful.  If looks could kill…  Anyways, I was so excited to listen to Becky Higgins’ first Project Real Life video on the way to work.  It was a great way to start my work day.

P1080084 This was the view we saw when we walked out of daycare when I picked her up at the end of the day.  It was so breathtaking.  That little black dot in the middle of the picture is not a UFO or anything like that.  I just have a spot on my little point and click camera.

P1080087 We were going to go over to Mom & Dad’s so Autumn & Andrew could play, but Mom called me and said that Andrew had been really sick all day w/ a high fever, cough, and he had thrown up a few times.  I didn’t want Autumn to catch whatever he has, so we stayed away.  I got some Little Caesar’s pizza & crazy bread on the way home and we went to a little shopping area and had our own little pizza party.

P1080091 I thought these big pots of plants and flowers were so pretty and looked so Autumn (fall)-ish, so I had Autumn go stand by them.  I love it when I can capture a good “belly laugh” type smile from her.

P1080093 After we finished eating, we ran across the street to the $1 Store to get a few things I needed and then we went to Target to get one other item I needed.  I tried to steer clear of the $1 Spot Area, but I was drawn in by an invisible magnetic force.  I found some GREAT stuff there that I will have to wait and show y’all tomorrow.  I’ve never had coffee in my life, but I still thought this sign was cute and had to get a pic of it.  I would also add the word “brown” or “dark”.  Autumn was reaching her limit, so we hurried and checked out and came home.

IMG_7022 Things were going great until I told Autumn it was time to take a shower b/c she was a stink bug Johnson.  She FREAKED out and went into complete melt down mode.  She was so tired that she resorted to hitting, spitting, and throwing things.  I shocked myself by not losing my cool.  I just talked to her calmly and quietly and told her she’d just have to take a shower in the morning b/c she needed to go to bed.  I finally got her calmed down and into bed. 

I got out my camera to take a picture of some things for Project Real Life and snapped this picture of Autumn having another melt down.  She had gotten out of her bed and wanted a drink of soda.  I told her that as part of her consequence for making bad choices (hitting, spitting, kicking, etc) that she could not have soda.  If she was hungry, she could go in her bathroom and get a drink of water w/ the cup we keep on her counter.  She had started another melt down and since I had my camera in my hand, I decided to take a pic to document it, b/c this is real life, folks.  She didn’t want her picture taken and took off running into the other room.  I finally got her back to bed and she was in there just crying and talking to herself.

Papa stopped by to say hi and bring her a treat.  I told him a little about how she had had a melt down and that’s why she was upset and crying.  He is so wonderful w/ her and just talked to her about how important it is to listen to her Mama and that she doesn’t need to act yucky.  It was so helpful and such a relief to have him back me up and reinforce what I was telling Autumn.  It’s times like this that I realize how hard it is to not have a spouse.  Most of the time Autumn & I get along just fine and I don’t even realize what a huge impact having a father in the home can have.  That’s why I’m so thankful for parents that can be my support system.

IMG_7025 After Dad left, I started a load of laundry and sat down on the couch to relax for a little bit and go through the mail.  I was pleasantly surprised to see my treats from Elle’s Studio came in the mail today.  I had one a giveaway on their blog back at the end of July for their Spooky Tales line.  I’ve never used their products before, but have always wanted to try them.  I was really impressed w/ the quality of the products and can’t wait to implement these into my Project Life pages.  It was a nice way to end a very “blue” day.


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