Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Color Week ~ Yellow Day


IMG_7012Today was yellow day, and Autumn was in a sassy mood for her picture.  Her little facial expressions crack me up.

P1080068 Today at work we had a high end client come in, so the boss had me order lunch boxes from Panera for them while they worked through their lunch meeting.  He was nice enough to have me order 6 when he only needed 4.  That meant that me & the accountant lady both got a free lunch today.  That was so nice of him to do and it was super yummy.

P1080075 After work/school we went to Mom & Dad’s and were happy/surprised to see Lexie & the boys there.  They were going to come up tomorrow since Jon has a conference he has to go to, but Lexie had the energy and will power to drive up today so she did!  Autumn was so excited to have Andrew there to play.  I had to scarf down some food and then leave for Young Women’s.  This was my view of the sunset on my way to YW.  Doesn’t it kind of look like an African Safari, especially w/ the tall grass?

P1080077 This is another picture of the same sunset, same setting on my camera, but I had come to the top of a little hill so the sun wasn’t down below the horizon yet.  Pretty cool, huh?

P1080079For our activity we met at Kenzie’s house and made 4 huge freezer meals (baked ziti) to take around to 4 families that could use them.  We also included a bag of salad to complete the meal.  We were also going to take them rice crispie treats, but those didn’t turn out at all.  It was a great activity and I hope this small gesture of providing a meal can relieve the stress of these families just a little bit.

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