Monday, October 22, 2012

We Went Booing

P1080294 Debbie has invited us over for dinner a few times, but we haven’t been able to go b/c we’ve had something going on each time she’s asked.  We were finally able to get our schedules aligned tonight.  After I got Autumn we went straight over there.  Debbie made a super yummy salad, tortellini soup, and cheesy rolls.  After dinner, the kids went outside to play and Debbie & I made these cute spider Oreos.  Then she printed off this paper to go w/ our treats.

P1080296 The kids were SO EXCITED to take our treats around to some friends and “Boo” them.

P1080298 We parked the car around the corner or down the street and then walked to the 3 different houses.

P1080299The kids went up to the door, quietly put down the treats, rang the door bell, and then started running as fast as they could.  We were all laughing so hard and having a fabulous time.  Debbie is such a fun Mom.  I need to be more outgoing like her and invite people over.  Who knew “booing” could be so awesome?

We got done and then Autumn & I went to WalMart to get a few groceries that we needed like milk, bread, etc.  We came home and I got her to bed and then I stayed up watching TV while I edited pictures.

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