Saturday, November 17, 2012

Shopping & Sharing Saturday

P1080524 This morning we got up and I had the cleaning bug, which is such a rare thing that I have to take it and run with it when it happens.  So, we vacuumed the whole downstairs, Autumn helped me mop all the tile, we cleaned 2 bathrooms, I showed Nick how to clean his bathroom, and I also did 3 loads of laundry.  It felt so good to be productive and make our home nicer.  Autumn was such a good little helper.  I’m glad that I can teach her how to do things like this instead of just doing it for her.  That way she learns how and it gives her a sense of responsibility.

P1080526 We got cleaned up and left to run a bunch of errands.  We went to the $1 Store to see if they had some things for my Christmas work party.  Then we stopped by Dad’s clinic to say hi since we were close by.  It was “Cowboy Day” today, so all the staff were dressed up in their cowboy gear.  We grabbed a drink from the back fridge and then continued our shopping.  We went to Hobby Lobby to get more things for the Christmas Party, and we were hungry by this time b/c it was lunch time.

P1080530 We went to the Wendy’s drive thru b/c I had a coupon.  We took the car to get the oil changed, and sat outside and ate our food while we waited.  I decided to get the tires rotated too, since I haven’t had that done since I bought the car!  We went inside to pay and Autumn asked if she could have a quarter to get a piece of gum.  I didn’t have one in my purse so we went out to the car to get one out of the console.  We took an extra quarter in, b/c there was a girl inside waiting w/ her Dad and we figured she might want one, too.  That made me happy to see the sparkle in Autumn’s eyes & her shy smile when she offered the quarter to the girl.

P1080533After all that running around, we were ready to relax.  We went to Mom & Dad’s house and were so pleasantly surprised to see that there was a single purple iris growing in the flowerbed around this tree!  Autumn wanted to take a picture of it, and I wanted to take a picture of her getting the picture.   It’s interesting to see the bright purple flower amongst all the dead brown leaves.  I LOVE nature!

P1080547We just vegged and relaxed for the rest of the evening.  Dad came home from work and Autumn wanted to wrestle w/ him.  He laid down on the floor and Emma was right there in a second to lick the top of his head.  He must have a salty head or something.  LOL!  It was a great, productive, fun day…just the kind I like.

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