Thursday, December 20, 2012

Liz & Liberty Time

P1080727 Rosy Posy found some chalk and updated our sign on the mantel.  I made this at a Relief Society activity last year and it’s been sitting on my mantel this whole year behind some pictures!  I’m glad I finally cleared off the clutter and put it where we can see it so we can use it for the next few days!

 P1080729 Liz & Liberty were such ANGELS on Sunday and came and got Autumn while I was in my Laurel’s class presidency meeting.  They did that w/out me even asking, and they kept her entertained so I could focus on the meeting.  They’re such great friends.  Anyways, we made plans to get together Thursday night to go see some Christmas lights and get some hot chocolate.  Well, the temperature dropped dramatically and it was only 42 degrees and windy, so we decided to nix the light seeing.  Instead we met up at the gas station to take advantage of their free hot chocolate.  Autumn doesn’t like hot foods or drinks, and she wanted some of their soft serve frozen yogurt.  I had a coupon for a free one, so she got that instead.  It’s such a nice gas station and I can see us going there a lot this summer for frozen yogurt and their 10 different kinds of slushee drinks!

P1080736 We came back to our house so Jacob could run around and play.  We tried out the adventure game that came w/ our Kinect.  This picture of Autumn’s long flowing hair and Liz’s gangsta signs crack me up.  It was fun having them here and spending time w/ them.

P1080725Mom found this pork jerky at Costco and it is the best I’ve ever had!  It’s soft, the pieces are huge, and it’s so incredibly flavorful.  GOOD STUFF!

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