Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fashion Forward Mimi

P1080841 I had great INtentions to get up this morning and take down our Christmas lights.  However, I didn’t wake up at 8:00 like I thought, I woke up at 9:00.  I had to hurry and shower and get dressed and then leave to go get my nails done at 10:00.  The nail on my left thumb cracked about 2 weeks ago, but I just kept ghetto super gluing it and making it last the full 4 weeks.  It was so nice to get my nails done!  After I was done, I went and got some Penne Dolcelatta for lunch.  SO GOOD!

Mom called to say that she needed Autumn & I to come over and help her pick out an outfit for her to wear to Dad’s work party tonight.  So, there went our plans for taking down the Christmas lights.  We went over to Mom & Dad’s and Mom had 4 different dresses to show us.  We found one that we liked the best, we helped her decide on accessories like shoes, jewelry, purse, etc.  She’s going to take back the 3 she’s not going to wear.  After all that, Autumn wanted to rough house.  She talked Mimi into wrestling w/ her and they were both laughing like crazy and having a great time.

P1080840 While Mom was out shopping earlier today she found this GORGEOUS top that fit me perfect.  Autumn wanted to take a picture of me b/c she said I looked so pretty in the shirt.  I’m trying to make a more conscience effort to be IN pictures instead of just taking them.  I don’t want Autumn to look back at pictures 30 years from now and not have any of me.  I know that I treasure the pictures of my Mom from when I was a kid.  She might have thought her hair wasn’t styled just right, or she wanted to lose a few pounds or whatever.  None of that matters, it’s just important that I have pictures of her.  I need to remember that’s how Autumn will feel about having pictures of me when she’s older.

P1080847 Even though we didn’t get Christmas decorations & lights taken down at our house, we helped Mimi take down her Christmas stuff.  We took down the big ornaments hanging above the living room, the Christmas tree & lights, Christmas train, etc.  Autumn wanted to help, so I let her vacuum.  I can’t think of a time that she’s vacuumed before, and she did GREAT for her first time.  I need to be better about letting her do things and be more autonomous.

P1080849This is the gorgeous dress that Mom ended up wearing.  She is such a skinny minny!  She looks so FABULOUS in this dress.  After she left for the party, Autumn & I ran to Walmart to pick up some pics and do some grocery shopping.  By the time we got home, it was bedtime.  We had a much better day today as far as the sassy/talking back goes.  Hopefully this is a new trend.

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