Friday, January 4, 2013

Mommy Daughter Discussion

P1080822 This was the beautiful sunrise I saw after dropping Autumn off at daycare.  It’s like there were a few slits or rips in the dark fabric of the sky and the light was peeking through the gashes.

P1080824 Autumn was such a stinker/sassy pants last night that Mimi threatened to not let her come back if she was going to act like that.  I was able to follow through on that tonight b/c we didn’t go to Mom & Dad’s.  Autumn didn’t know that was b/c they weren’t home, b/c I told her we were going on a mommy/daughter date to talk about how she’s been acting lately.  I wanted to have some one-on-one time w/ her.  She picked to go out for Chinese food b/c she wanted noodles.

P1080829She liked slurping up the noodles and then she’d have sauce dripping off her lips onto the plate.  I tried talking to her, but she wasn’t in a talking mood…she was in an eating mood.  So, when we got home and it was bedtime, I knelt next to her bed and she talked up a storm.  She told me all about school and we talked about how her behavior lately is unacceptable.  Then we discussed how we’ll both try harder to be kinder to each other.  I need to work on not yell so much in the mornings as we’re trying to get ready to leave for the day.  She will work on listening when I ask her to get out of bed or get dressed so I don’t have to resort to yelling.  I’m glad we talked and we’ll see how it goes.

Any suggestions on how to deal w/ a sassy-mouthed (almost) 6 year old?  Is this just a phase she’s going through or should I be worried?  If she’s this sassy-mouthed already, what will I do when she’s a teenager?

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