Wednesday, January 2, 2013

May I Take Your Order?

P1080812It was hard getting back INto the swing of things today like work, daycare, etc.  Luckily it’s another short week like last week.  Mom & Dad gave Autumn this cute felt food set for Christmas.  We got it out today to play w/ it.  It’s great b/c it helps kids learn lots of different things.  I had her organize the food pieces by type.  Then I gave her an order and had her fill it correctly.  She did great and then we switched and I made her a sandwich.  We had a lot of fun doing that.  One of the things I need to focus on for 2013 is INcrease my INvovlement w/ Autumn.  She’s been really sassy lately and I’m wondering if part of the problem is that she feels like she needs more of my attention.

IMG_8391When we got home tonight, I put together this organizational tower that Nick got me for Christmas.  I had to put the drawers in the color of the rainbow (although there wasn’t a yellow one) for Autumn b/c she’s obsessed w/ rainbows.  I am going to use the top 5 drawers and she’s going to use the bottom 5 drawers.  Hopefully that will help us to keep the kitchen table cleared off and organized.

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