Saturday, March 2, 2013

Doing Chores Is So Much More Fun In A Ballerina Outfit

IMG_8654 We got up this morning and Autumn got to work on her chores.  I went to start some laundry and when I came back, she was dressed in her ballerina outfit.  She looked SO CUTE in her outfit.

IMG_8664 She is such a unique individual and I just love her to pieces.  Instead of just hanging up her clean clothes like she was asked to do, she decided to organize her whole closet and all her dresser drawers.  I had her shirts hanging in her closet by color.  That way if she wanted a pink shirt, she could see all of them together.  She decided to hang her shirts by color, but did a red then orange then yellow then green then blue then purple, and then started all over again.  That is so NOT how I would have done it, but now when she goes to get dressed in the morning she can just grab the first shirt in the line up and that way she’s wearing a different color in the rainbow every day!

She also reorganized all of her drawers to be in the color of the rainbow.  I had all of her clothes organized by type.  For example…socks in one drawer, undies in one drawer, long pants in one drawer, etc.  She put all of the red pants and socks and undies in one drawer, then all of the orange, etc.  It would make me crazy to have my clothes like that, b/c I wouldn’t know if I had clean undies w/out having to look through every drawer.  But, I am learning to let go of control and let her do things her way b/c it really doesn’t matter.  And if that system makes her happy and works for her, then more power to her!

IMG_8671 After all the chores were done, we got cleaned up and she wanted to watch Mama Mia again, so we did.  Then we watched Thoroughly Modern Millie b/c that’s one of my favorite musicals.  When I was little, Lexie & Nick & Nate & I would laugh HYSTERICALLY at this part in the movie where the little Jewish Grandma lady dances around.  I rewound it about 11 times, and Nick and I were laughing so hard we had tears streaming down our cheeks.  Autumn thought we were crazy!  GOOD MEMORIES!

IMG_8673 After that, we went over to Mom & Dad’s so I could use the Internet for a little while and so Autumn could show Papa & Mimi her new hairdo w/ no bangs.  She looked so cute and stylish, and even picked out her own outfit (see, that new system of hers is working great).

IMG_8682 Her daycare had sent out an email a few weeks ago that one of the local hockey teams had a great deal on tickets through the daycare.  The kids got in free and any extra tickets were just $10 each!  So, Autumn & I signed up to go.  It was something she worked on all week to earn enough points for.  This is Ms. Amanda, the director at the daycare.  We just love her so much…she is such a neat lady!

IMG_8687 We had a great time at the game, and the highlight for Autumn was when one of the zeppelins was flying around and dropped 2 tickets for a free PF Changs appetizer in our laps!  We gave one to Ms. Amanda, b/c we felt greedy keeping 2.  She had been watching that zeppelin like a hawk, and was so happy when she got a ticket.  She was jumping up and down and said, “I knew I would get one! I knew I would get one!”

IMG_8688 This is a horrible pic of Autumn, b/c she blinked right as I took the picture.  But she still wanted me to put it on my blog, b/c Kylie & Ashley were also at the hockey game.  We didn’t know it until they were featured up on the jumbotron during one of the breaks between periods.  I texted Kylie that we had seen them and where we were sitting.  They came down for a minute to say hi.  Autumn thought she was hot stuff to have the 2 older girls come say hi.

IMG_8691Autumn asked during the game if she could get some popcorn or cotton candy.  We had eaten dinner right before going to the game so that being hungry and wanting treats wouldn’t be an issue since they’re so stinkin’ expensive.  I told Autumn she could get ONE thing if she wanted, or she could wait until after the game and we could go to McDonald’s instead (she LOVES McDonald’s).  She thought for a minute and decided she wanted to wait!  I was surprised by her decision, but was SO PROUD of her b/c she didn’t bother me the rest of the night w/ wanting popcorn or other treats even though her friends around her had some.

So, we left the game 10 minutes early to avoid traffic and went straight to McDonald’s where she got a parfait.  I asked her if it was worth the wait and she said definitely.  That was a very mature thing of her to delay instant gratification for something that she wanted more.  I made sure to praise her and fuss over her for making a choice and sticking to it.  She’s growing up before my very eyes!

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