Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday Frozen Yogurt

zoo 3 Today Autumn got to go to the zoo w/ her Kindergarten class.  I’m so thankful that Ben’s Mom was able to go w/ them and that she took some pics for me and sent them to me.  It’s so nice to be friends w/ a Mom who “gets” the whole picture taking/documenting life thing.

zoo 1It looks like they had a lot of fun.  I have no idea why Autumn is laying across the back wall like the Queen of Sheba and these boys look like her wild & crazy subjects.  LOL!

P1090651 Lexie & Jon & the boys came up tonight to visit for the weekend b/c Jon has a chiropractic conference tomorrow & Sunday.  We hung out and talked w/ them for a while, but then Autumn & I left around 8:00 b/c I knew that she needed to get a good night’s sleep after such a big, fun day.  We needed to stop and get some gas, and I’ve had a hankerin’ for some frozen yogurt for the past week, so we killed 2 birds w/ one stone.  She was so excited to have so many options to put into her frozen yogurt.

P1090654 It really is crazy expensive at 39 cents an ounce if you think about it.  We could have gotten a whole gallon of ice cream and had a bunch left over for cheaper than what we paid for our 2 little cups.  But, it’s ok to splurge every once in a while.  I tried the new Hawaiian pineapple flavor, and it was super light, fluffy, and airy.  It was good, but kind of weird at the same time.  We got home and I got Autumn to bed and played games on my phone for a little bit before I put myself to bed.

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