Thursday, May 16, 2013

Chips In The Garage

P1090786As we were walking out the door this morning, I had to stop and get a picture of this.  I’ve been meaning to do it for a few weeks now and finally decided today is the day.  I’ve never thought of it before, until someone pointed it out to me, that we keep our box of chips in the garage.  It’s kind of odd, but it’s the most convenient place.  Autumn can grab a bag for her afternoon school snack as we’re rushing out the door. 

P1090791Today after work, I went straight to Hobby Lobby in my town to see if the signed Midnight copy was still there.  To my complete surprise, they STILL didn’t have any Project Life products out!  I found an employee in another department and asked her if she could help me find out when they would put it out.  She didn’t know, but called the store manager to see if he knew.  The super nice lady explained to the manager what I was looking for and that I had been there a few days in a row. 

He took me in the back warehouse part of the store and had an employee back there help me go through the boxes and find the signed one.  I told them how much it cost, they put a price sticker on it, and I was able to go up to the front and use my 40% off coupon to buy it!  I was SO APPRECIATIVE that they went way above & beyond.  I told them I would fill out a feedback survey online and rave about how exceptional their customer service was.

IMG_0910 Autumn & I stopped and got a Subway sandwich for dinner and split it.  Then Autumn read to me out of her school readers, and she’s doing a great job.  Mom came over at 7:40 to watch Autumn while I went to a meeting at the church at 8:00.

P1090797These cute little bunnies were munching on some grass when I pulled up to the church.  The meeting was about and it’s really growing and taking off in this area.  After the meeting, I came home and sat and talked w/ Mom for a while.  I’m so thankful for what a huge help she is with Autumn.

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