Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Perusing Hobby Lobby

IMG_0896 It was so great to get some rain today.  We need it badly.  However, it’s sad b/c this storm ended up creating 16 different tornadoes tonight that caused a lot of damage and killed 6 people south of the DFW metroplex.

IMG_0898 Tonight at Scouts, there was a live snake and Mom was crazy enough to put it around her neck!  She & Dad were joking that this is the new Scout leader neckerchief!

IMG_0897We didn’t have Young Women’s tonight, b/c the youth did a temple trip last night.  It was nice to have a break from Young Women’s!  Autumn & I went to our local Hobby Lobby tonight after dinner b/c I had called and they said they got a shipment in today.  We got there and there were no products out yet, but I saw these boxes sitting on the floor!!!

IMG_0899 I asked the lady that was unpacking boxes if they were ready for purchase yet.  She said she hadn’t priced them yet.  So, Autumn & I walked around the store to kill some time.  I LOVED all of these cool metal movie reels.  These would be so fun to put on the wall in a media room.

IMG_0900 Autumn loved these GINORMOUS flowers.  It’s like our own little version of Honey, I Shrunk The Kids.

IMG_0902She also loved these crazy mixed fabric couches.  I love that she’s already developing her own sense of taste and style.  An announcement came over the loud speaker that it was 7:45 and the store was closing in 15 minutes!  We walked back over to the scrapbooking section, but the Project Life still wasn’t priced.  I begged the lady to let me look through the box just to see if one was signed, b/c if there wasn’t a signed one then I didn’t need to try and rush back over there tomorrow.

I could tell she was annoyed by me, but I decided to be kind but persistent.  I promised not to mess them up and to put them back in the box they way they were.  She finally rolled her eyes and said fine.  Autumn & I looked through them and found one signed copy of the midnight edition.  I was excited and as we left the store, I hoped it would still be there tomorrow when I got off of work.

I was glued to the TV all night after I got Autumn to bed b/c of all the tornado news coverage!  I was asking Nick if we had 5 minutes warning before we had to get into our tornado safe place (closet under the stairs) what would he grab?  I would grab Autumn first of all, and then my cameras, laptop, and Project Life books.

1 comment:

kcwatson said...

Tell Auntie Lisa I think she is crazy to put a snake on her neck!!!