Saturday, May 18, 2013

First Swim Of The Season & A Night Out With Liz

I had to mention that today is the 2 year anniversary of the Durango being totaled.  I still drive through that intersection almost every single day, and every single day I’m thankful that Dad & I were protected and surrounded by guardian angels.  That whole scenario could have ended so differently than it did, and I never take that for granted!

P1090813 It was so nice to sleep in this morning.  Papa & Autumn were so cute sitting together at the table eating their cereal.  They were looking out the back window at the bird feeder and watching a red cardinal.  After he ate breakfast, Dad went on a 40 mile bike ride!

P1090816 Mom went out in the garden to get some fresh onions for her omelet.  She came back in w/ all this fresh produce from the garden.  There were zucchini, yellow squash, bell peppers, onions, garlic, and asparagus!!!  The garden is going to sprout and go crazy just as they’re leaving for Japan!

P1090818 Nick came over and we all went swimming together for the first time this year.  It was REALLY COLD when we first got in, but we got acclimated after a few minutes.  I forgot to get a picture of all of us in the pool, but we had a great time.  I LOVE swimming!  Autumn is so excited that she’s tall enough this year to touch the bottom in the shallow end.  We all lathered up w/ sunscreen, but I got really red on my shoulders.  Look at how dark Autumn got, even w/ the sunscreen!!!  She’s such a brown little Indian girl.  I tell her all the time that I love her brown skin and that I’m so jealous of it.

P1090822We spent the rest of the afternoon just relaxing and watching a movie.  Mom & I wanted to try a blind taste test to see if we could tell the difference between regular, diet, and the new 10 calorie root beer.  Dad was the only one who got it right.  I couldn’t tell a difference between the 3 kinds.

IMG_0919 Autumn & I came home and got showered to get all the pool chemicals off.  I got her to bed and then went and picked up Liz at 8:45.  We drove down to Dallas to listen to her cousin’s band play at a restaurant.  Her cousin is the one in the tan cargo shorts.  The band was really good and it was fun singing along to their songs.

IMG_0918This is a super grainy pic of Liz & I, but it was really dark in there and I only had the camera on my iPhone.  We both ordered some food, b/c it’s a restaurant called Enchiladas, and how can you not eat there?  I am SO GLAD that Liz thought to invite me, b/c otherwise I would have just sat at home on the couch in my jammies watching TV and playing candy crush saga on my phone.  This was WAY better than that.  I love spending time w/ her and her family.

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