Saturday, May 11, 2013

Loganisms & Frog Stands

IMG_0872 Autumn & I were so tired that we slept in until 9:30!!!  That is unheard of, especially for her.  We got up and went put away 2 loads of her clean laundry.  Then we went through all of her clothes and put away in bins the ones that are too small.  She grew so  much since last summer that a lot of her skorts are too short.  I vacuumed (vacuum lines on the carpet are one of my favorite things), cleaned my bathroom, and then we went over to Mom & Dad’s house at 1:00.

IMG_9524She had her scouts over to make some Mother’s Day gifts.  She got out some old shirts for them to wear while painting and I freaked out over this one.  I totally remember wearing this ALL.THE.TIME. in high school!  LOL!

IMG_9527 The kids were CRAZY and got in the pool even though it was super cold.  I’m surprised they didn’t have blue lips and chattering teeth.  They were loving it and didn’t even seem to care.

IMG_9528 Mom got out these $1 Store water guns and the kids had so much fun.  This little boy named Logan CRACKS.ME.UP!!!  He has the cutest little lisp and says the FUNNIEST things.  He finally decided the pool was too cold and got out and laid on the ground and had us wrap him up in a towel.  One of the other scouts was shooting the basketball into the net and was doing a great job.  We told him that he was going to grow up and be a world class basketball player.  Without skipping a beat Logan said, “yeah, and I’m going to be a world class sunbather!”  Mom & Dad & I just about died laughing.

Dad had to keep asking Logan to pay attention, b/c Logan wouldn’t listen to instructions.  Finally Dad said, “Logan why do you keep ignoring me?”  Logan looked at him completely serious and said, “I have my reasons!”

He reminds me of a mix of Squints Palledorous, Simon Birch & Harry Potter.  He’s so stinkin’ cute.  I’m sure we’ll have a running list of “Loganisms” soon.

IMG_9532 Mom had them try and pass off a bunch of things in their Scout book while they waited for the paint on their Mother’s Day presents to dry.  One of them was that you had to do a frog stand.  Dad got over there and was showing Logan how to do it.  I’m impressed that Dad can do it!  I don’t think I could even if my life depended on it.  Way to rock it, Dad!

IMG_9540 The kids went in the backyard after they got tired of swimming and drove around the little truck, threw a baseball back and forth, and played on the fort.  They said they were hungry, so I made them a super healthy meal of mac & cheese!  By this time they were all worn out, so we went in the house and watched Wreck It Ralph & then Madagascar.  It was a fun day and I’m glad Autumn had some kids her age to play with.

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