Saturday, June 1, 2013

Pest Control Peeps Pool Party

P1090888 We slept in a little bit this morning, and then got ready for the day and headed off.  I had a 10:00 appt to get my nails done b/c they were WAY grown out.  When we got there, it was really slow so Lily offered to paint Autumn’s nails for free.  It’s funny b/c Autumn is just a few inches shorter than Lily!  Autumn LOVED her purple animal print nails.  I LOVE getting my nails done & Binh always does such a great job.

After we were done at the nail salon, we stopped at WalMart to get some groceries for our party/BBQ and then we went to Mom & Dad’s house to get everything ready.

P1090890 Jacob wins the award for the best pool party look.  Liberty said he’s the “boy with the dragon tattoo.”  LOL!

IMG_0988 We were going to start the party at 1:00, but most people showed up at 2:00.  That worked out great, b/c we had storm clouds until then, and then they cleared out.  This picture of the messy kitchen just brought a huge smile to my face.  That’s b/c it means the house is full of fun & friends.  We just did a pot luck type thing where we had hot dogs, buns, chips, a fruit tray, and dessert.

P1090897 We used to work together at a pest control company 5 years ago, and we’ve kept in touch and stayed friends all these years.  I’ve decided that we need to get together at least once a year b/c it’s so fun to see everyone and catch up on life.  It’s so cool to see that I was the only one w/ a child when we all worked together and now there’s 7 kids in our group.

I genuinely love all these people so much.  I went in the house to get something and Tomas had made himself at home, which just thrilled me to no end.  We were talking about how great it is when people feel at home in your home.

P1090904Alison & Keira (sp?) were having so much fun that they stayed until about 8:30.  The little girls were little fish and were in the pool for 5 hours straight other than when they got out to eat or go potty.  Autumn & I were so happy, b/c otherwise we would have just been vegging out by ourselves.  Autumn loves having little kids around so she can fuss over them.  We put on a Barbie movie for the girls while we sat and visited.  Alison & I used to carpool to work together everyday, and I miss the talks we used to have.  So it was extra special to catch up to w/ her.

This was the beautiful sunset we saw on the way home.  Autumn & I came home and she went straight to sleep.  I love it how deeply she sleeps after she’s worn out from swimming.  I slept super well too, knowing that friendships & relationships were strengthened today.

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